You gonna decide for me what’s happening with my nation ? Moreover by any official account NeoRome split off UTA at 2253 so your "official lore" doesn't add up. This means that either you don't use any lore as a base or you use the "Error Lore" which includes whatever elements of lore were convenient for Error. Why did you decide that the UTN is dead in the first place ? Because I didn't participate in the last two RPs that were made by you ? Is that an attempt to "Punish" me for disagreeing with your RP system ? Not enjoying it ? Not playing it ? Do you really have the right to force me to play your RPs like that ? And what If I were to make an RP right now that takes place in 2300 after the break off of NeoRome where the UTN and other forces fight the invading owls ? Will it not be canon because "Iv made it" ?Commander Error wrote:The Terran Union officially dissolved in 2191 in the most recent canon RP. Ded.
Quit trying to play it god Error, it annoys me that you think you are the entirety of the community which gives you right to decide anything you want. Know what ? Decide anything you want but don't play that disgusting hypocrite disguise game, admit that it was your decision and don't hide behind big words like "we", you are not "we" unless you have a multi-personality syndrome (If you do I apologize to you and all of your personalities for my rude comment) so be a fking man and take responsibility for your words. For example I will do whatever the hell I want in my NavNet utility because Im the one who makes it (Its true I Won't do anything lore related in it though because the whole point of the util was maximum versatility)