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Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:09 am
by ACH0225
If you mean nationstates, we've got one they can join.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:14 am
by Ivan2006
Nation-based roleplay group?
That's very vague.
a) What era do they play in? Historic? Modern? Sci-fi?
b) What is the primary focus? Economy? National policies? Warfare?
c) What system are they using? Anarchic rule of community? GM-sanction? GM-approval? Diceroll?

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:29 am
by  ҉ 
Commander Error wrote:I am skeptical.

But I shall assume it's you. Welcome back, Shiva.

Quick catchup - Tau is our admin (re: technical guy), I'm out moderator (Error), Proto is our Flans pack dev (and good at it), and Jedi is the rules lawyer (good, because we need at least one).

Good to see you return to the land of the mad and the lost.
Pbbbbbttttt. We haven't had rules in ages.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:32 am
by Shadowcatbot
Nation based group? Like a forum of people who RP various space factions? And an owl. We have an owl.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:44 am
by Error
Last_Jedi_Standing wrote: Pbbbbbttttt. We haven't had rules in ages.
We've always had them. Some just were more heavy-handed in enforcement than others.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:47 am
by Saravanth

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:18 am
by Tau
You know that poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"? Fuck that. This is going to last forever.

Welcome back. Hopefully we won't scare you off this time. Thanks for reminding me to get SoaSE.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:23 am
by cats
Commander Error wrote: Jedi is the rules lawyer (good, because we need at least one).

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:39 am
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
Mercury Steam wrote:
Commander Error wrote: Jedi is the rules lawyer (good, because we need at least one).
That is oddly accurate.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:53 am
by Tell

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:56 am
by  ҉ 
Commander Error wrote:
Last_Jedi_Standing wrote: Pbbbbbttttt. We haven't had rules in ages.
We've always had them. Some just were more heavy-handed in enforcement than others.
If the rules aren't followed, enforced, or mentioned, in what sense do we have them?

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:04 pm
by Prototype
Possibly because nobody has really done anything particularly worthy of enforcement.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:46 pm
by Shiva
Ivan2006 wrote:Nation-based roleplay group?
That's very vague.
a) What era do they play in? Historic? Modern? Sci-fi?
b) What is the primary focus? Economy? National policies? Warfare?
c) What system are they using? Anarchic rule of community? GM-sanction? GM-approval? Diceroll?
A) Historic, currently, but that's because we're in the year 1976. We'll get to near-future eventually.
B) All of the above, plus character roleplay.
C) A little bit of all the above.

Here's the rules section, if it helps:
SKRP Map and Rules thread wrote:Welcome to the SK:RP. The setting for this RP is a world is post WWII. Some cataclysm has befallen the old world, and all former nations have fallen into anarchy and chaos. Slowly but surely, order is being restored to portions of the world, and new nations are rising from the ashes of the old. While old rivalries may have died along with the old world order, new hatreds and passions are quick to arise.

The backstory and timeline of our world.

1933:The Third Reich begins a biological weapons program, creating amongst other things, a strain of the Influenza Virus similar to the one that caused the worldwide pandemic in 1918. This strain is given the code name "Willkürlich".Only Hitler and a handful of top scientists knew about this project.

1943:Work on Germany's biological weapons program is shelved, as conventional warfare takes priority.

July 1944: After the successful Allied invasion of Normandy, most members of the * high command had resigned themselves (albeit privately) to the fact that The Allies would, in all likelihood, win the war.

Late 1944:As German forces retreated from the advancing Soviet army, the stores of biological weapons were relocated to positions in German occupied Denmark and Central Germany.

Pre-dawn, May 1st, 1945: Hitler had committed suicide only hours before, Berlin was surrounded, and the remaining troops in the city were almost out of ammunition. In a last ditch attempt to break the Soviet Lines, Reichspräsident Dönitz and Reichskanzler Goebbels ordered V2 rockets armed with biological warheads on hot standby, hoping the threat of biological attack on allied cities would slow the Soviet Army's advance.

May 2, 1945: The Soviet troops had stormed the Reichstag, and captured Dönitz and Goebbels, as the remaining German troops fled or surrendered. In the chaos, the last few V2 rockets fired in preceding days had been armed with biological warheads labeled "Willkürlich"and launched at Allied strongholds in France, Belgium, the UK, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The missile crews had no idea what was in the warheads, and the targeted cities dismissed the rockets as the death rattle of the Third Reich.

May 5, 1945: With the command structure in chaos, all remaining German units had surrendered.

May 7-8, 1945: The German Instrument of Surrender is signed in Riems and Berlin, ending the war in Europe.

August 1945: The United States drops 2 Atomic bombs on Japan. The Japanese Government is in chaos, and the military begins surrendering to US forces on August 15.

September 1945: Most allied troops not assigned to occupy territories were in the process of returning home. The Americans were preparing to occupy Japan, after its formal surrender on September 2[/size]nd[/size]. Several thousand infections and over a hundred deaths in major cities had been attributed to a strain of the flu, assumed to be due to wartime unsanitary conditions. Occupying forces dubbed the sickness the German Flu. Some American soldiers call it the "Kraut Fever."

Mid 1946: French troops were active in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia, attempting to suppress rebellion in its colonies, while British forces attempted to keep control in British India. Tens of thousands were sick across Europe and new cases were being reporting in North America, Japan, and China, and deaths began to mount. Privately, governments were worried, but propaganda and Communist vs. Capitalist tensions occupied the news. The Nuremberg Trials were underway.

Late 1946: Many governments issued epidemic warnings, as fears rose. Many cities had set up triage and hospital centers in heavily affected areas, and canceled public events. Citizens were encouraged to practice good hygiene and wear facemasks when outdoors.

Mid 1947: Occupation forces in Berlin began archiving * documents in preparation for war crimes trials. They uncovered documents relating to a secret biological weapons program. Over the course of several weeks, they were cross-referenced with stockpiles destroyed at the end of the war, and a stockpile labeled "Willkürlich" was found to be missing. German scientists awaiting trial were able to confirm the details of the project, and the pieces were finally put together.

Late 1947: Many nations enacted trade and immigration restrictions, depressing the global postwar economy, and slowing recovery in Europe and Asia. The last Nazis to escape trial or execution had fled to Central and South America.

Early 1949: By this time, the plague had gone through several peaks and troughs of infectivity, but the outbreak is now global. Research on a cure or vaccine has not resulted in any success.

Mid 1949: The virus mutates into a pneumonic strain, which is far deadlier. Of those infected, up to 50% would die. Colonial forces around the world returned home to provide support and suppress riots, leaving power vacuums in The Caribbean, The Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia. Millions are now sick, and hundreds of thousands have died.

Late 1949: Most of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East were in chaos. Global trade was nearly nonexistent, resulting in shortages of food and medical supplies. Millions more died from starvation and secondary illness.

Late 1950: North America and Europe finally fell into chaos, lasting longer than most other nations, as millions fled from infected areas, overwhelming defenses and quarantines. Many governments fled or were overthrown. Global transportation and economic infrastructure fell into chaos. Many began to lose electrical power and running water, as fuel supplies dried up, and utility workers either died or fled.

Early 1951: Many of the remaining uninfected areas of the world were overrun, as refugees sought survival anywhere they could. Some isolated or sparsely populations are not exposed.

Early 1952: Infection and death rates began to decline rapidly, as the plague burned itself out. Survivors had either survived the disease, or had managed not to get sick at all.

Late 1952: The last infections and deaths occurred. The pandemic was over, but the global population had been devastated. Nations no longer existed as they were before. Most urban areas had been devastated, and territories were either in civil war, chaos, or controlled by rebel groups and regional warlords. Of the postwar global population of 2.38 billion, nearly a billion had died from the plague or from secondary disease, famine, and squalor.

RP Start Date: January 1st, 1973
Present Date: 1976

Here's a rundown of the rules and players.

Players and nations


If you'd like to create a nation, there's a few ways to go about it. If the territory you want is White Space on the map (i.e.: it's NPC controlled), you make a Declaration of Existence (DoE) post, then link it here and note which territories you're claiming. If the territory you want is claimed by another player as part of their nation, you may message them and work try to work out a deal to get the land. If they refuse, then you'll have to look for territory elsewhere; if they agree, you'll follow the terms of the agreement in your DoE, and will link your DoE in this thread. Anything on the map marked as a "protectorate" is not sovereign territory, and is free to claim. Before you start posting, make sure to have posted your DoE and your factbook. Your factbook can be a work in progress, but it should at least contain some basic information about your nation as well as your point allocation.

Once you're established, expanding into new territory will require a new thread posted in the Annexations subforum, which you'll link to in this thread once you start it. All unclaimed space is occupied by NPCs, who will need to be conquered or persuaded to join your nation, and your annexation thread will need a minimum of five posts detailing just how you're doing this. The larger the territory you're annexing, the more likely that something will go wrong, and that you'll be given an event to react to. All new annexations will be marked as such on the map, but will not be made part of a nation proper until ten days have passed from the posting of the annexation thread, or the completion of the fifth post, whichever comes later.

In the interest of fairness, all full-scale annexations are considered common knowledge. This means that other nations are aware of your annexation. This does not apply to small-scale covert actions or other events that are not annexations taking place in unclaimed territory.

The rules for statting out your military are as follows:

Common Sense: There's quite a few things in the RP that are relegated to the realm of "common sense". Notably, support vehicles. What this means is that you have a significant degree of freedom in determining what is available to your nation, and this is done so that you can have a fully functional nation and military even though our points system doesn't have slots for every single type of vehicle. What this does not mean is that you can declare that you have infinite resources. You should always endeavor to maintain numbers that are in line with your other investments. The GMs may, at any time, tell you that your "common sense" numbers are too high and that you must lower them.

Random Events: At any point in the game, the GMs may issue a random event (determined via dice roll) to any nation on the map.

Nukes: While nuclear weapons will eventually become available in the RP, they are not at this time available to any nation at start. Similarly, nuclear reactors on ships are not allowed. Civilian nuclear power plants are allowed, but cannot be used to make weapons grade nuclear materials. Players may RP their nation researching nuclear technology.

Custom Technology: You may create custom pieces of technology. This is basically limited to "common sense". All custom pieces of technology must be statted such that they can easily be compared to existing pieces of technology in terms of performance. Additionally, the GMs have the final say in allowing or disallowing any piece of technology.

GM Selection and Rule Changes: Currently there are two GMs. Should it be required, additional GMs may be appointed for terms lasting for indeterminate periods of time. GMs may also be dismissed should they no longer be required, or should they be deemed not to be completing their job. Rule changes may be proposed by any member, and should the proposal have wide community backing will be discussed by the GMs. The GM team will come to a consensus before issuing rules changes, and this thread will be updated accordingly.

IRC: The RP has a IRC channel at #skrp which is open to all interested parties. The rules of the channel are simple: No slurs, rape jokes, or gendered insults are allowed. While play fighting between players is permissible, serious arguments are not to occur. Violation of the channel's rules will result in a verbal warning. Continued violation will result in a one hour ban. Continued violations will result in a day long ban. And continued or serious violations may result in a permanent ban from the channel.

If you think you see a mistake in someone's points, or if you have a complaint to make based on RP, it is not your position as a player to directly call another player out. The appropriate procedure is to inform a GM of your questions/concerns/complaints, so that we may quietly handle things without the risk of OOC drama or bad blood.

Time: Time passes at a rate of 1 RP year per RL month, so that a new RP year begins on the first of every month. As long as you are withing the current game year, you are fine. Time can pass at different rates in different threads. The Current year is 1976. The maximum tech year is 1968
And thanks for the warm welcome-back, guys.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:26 pm
by Professor Fenway
So they actually have rules and shit together. Interesting.

Re: "Rumors of my death have been... mostly exaggerated."

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:35 pm
by ACH0225
I'd recommend poking through Where We Left Off(non-canon, officially) and Once More, With Feeling(canon, officially).

There are several main galactic powers(player factions), of which I can only really describe mine, the Strigiforme, though the lore has a decent amount to do with them.

Strigiforme Empire:
The oldest empire in the galaxy, it has existed in some form for several hundred thousand years, and is composed of the Strigiforme, a species of large(avg 3m tall) owls. In recent history, it is noted for its' use of humanity and several other species as slave races. This inspired major revolts in the last 50 years or so, resulting in major losses of Strigiforme territory and the creation of numerous new human states. The Strigiforme are an empire in decline, facing constant revolt from various oppressed species inspired by the humans, and a general lethargy in the government and populace. Even so, it remains strong, with a capable military, but faces difficulties in technology and naval assets, as many of their ships are over a thousand years old.

All the human nations were formed from the revolution, so that's a decent part of backstory.

I don't quite know how we'd handle rules and shit. I think we tried that once and it didn't work.