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So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:20 pm
by  ҉ 
And what's the first thing I see but a full-scale model of the Iron Throne. That you can sit in. Because Sweden is great. What the Swedish Royal Armoury is doing right now, as we speak, is an exhibit comparing demonstrations of power by three monarchs: Erik XIV of Sweden, Elizabeth I of England, and Joffrey Baratheon of Westeros. They've got all the costumes from the show on display in the same hall as the armours worn by every king of Sweden since Gustav Vasa. There's the shirt with the bullet hole where the king got shot, and then the jacket with the bullet hole where the same king got shot (a different time), and the horse with the bullet hole where it got shot while the same king was riding it (yet a different time, and yes, the actual horse; they had it stuffed), and the socks and shirt that were the only things found on the king's looted corpse after he got shot (the last time), and the hat with the bullet hole where a different king got shot, and the files that might have been used to sharpen the knife that would have been used had the king not gotten shot like he was supposed to, and the case that Napoleon carried his foreign newspapers in that they looted out of his carriage after the Battle of Leipzig, and then the armour Tyrion Lannister wore at the Battle of Blackwater Bay. That's what the Swedish Royal Armoury is like. Also, I can tell you that the Swedish crown jewels are more impressive than the Danish crown jewels but not as impressive as the British crown jewels, which are somewhat over the top.

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:30 pm
by Shadowcatbot
So in other words:
1. The Swedish armory is apparently a museum and not an armory with you know, arms in it.
2. This whole crown jewel buisness sounds like a "My balls are bigger" contest.

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:31 pm
by Error
Crown 'jewels', ah hah, ah hah.

Much amuse.

Also: cool story bro

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:39 pm
by Ivan2006
Oh, we're playing a game, eh?

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:11 pm
by Shadowcatbot
Fighting over some old shiny metal shit with a history? Here let me show you where that is in my perspective of life:

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:44 am
by Tau
Shadowcat wrote:Fighting over some old shiny metal shit with a history? Here let me show you where that is in my perspective of life:
And let me show you where *that* is in my perspective of life:
Those shiny rocks are cool. But come on.

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:57 am
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
But the important question is what the hell was LJS doing in Sweden?
Or is there a Swedish Royal Armory that isn't in Stockholm?

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:55 am
by  ҉ 
Shadowcat wrote:So in other words:
1. The Swedish armory is apparently a museum and not an armory with you know, arms in it.
That's pretty accurate. There are a lot of weapons there, of course, but it's more or less a museum of stuff relating to the Swedish royalty, plus the usual assortment of other historical stuff. The space it's in, a basement area under the palace, really was the armory at one point, but obviously it isn't where the Swedish Army keeps all their guns now. On a side note, the Swedish Army guys standing outside their palace were way more impressive than the Danish Army guys standing outside theirs. The Danes all looked like really cold teenagers, while the Swedish guards all seem to be hulking bearded dudes with assault rifles with bayonets.
Daynel wrote:But the important question is what the hell was LJS doing in Sweden?
Or is there a Swedish Royal Armory that isn't in Stockholm?
I was in Stockholm (and Copenhagen) for reasons that seemed good at the time but made much less sense when that time difference really kicked in.

Also, and I can't believe I forgot to mention this before (that's what flying for eightteen hours and then going home to post will do to you), the Game of Thrones exhibit spoiled the Red Wedding. They just had it right there on the bloody sign. I can't imagine who thought that was a good thing to put on display.

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:01 am
by Ivan2006
If they had bayonets they were porbably osme sort of guard unit who excell at looking cool, we have those, too.

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:03 pm
by ACH0225
Last_Jedi_Standing wrote: The space it's in, a basement area under the palace, really was the armory at one point, but obviously it isn't where the Swedish Army keeps all their guns now.
Exactly what they want you to think.
Last_Jedi_Standing wrote:The Danes all looked like really cold teenagers, while the Swedish guards all seem to be hulking bearded dudes with assault rifles with bayonets.
That's just your average Swede. The guard ones are invisible.

Re: So I walk into the Swedish Royal Amoury

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:34 pm
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
>Average Swede
>Assault rifle
>With bayonet

>Using le four chan funne arrow may may