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Re: What I've learned in (community) college

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:49 am
by CMA
Last_Jedi_Standing wrote:
Tau wrote:This reminds me of something I wanted to ask about.
I'm in the 9th grade now, and my parents came up with the idea of having me get my GED after 10th grade, getting my Associate through community college (I plan on going into engineering - either electrical or aerospace), and moving on to a 'proper' college/uni to get my Bachelor's and beyond. Neither myself nor my parents have the experience to tell how viable this is, so I kind of wanted to get your opinions - is it a decent idea?
This kind of serious life decision thing is a question to ask college counselors, not the Internet.
Use both. Another thing I've learned is you want as much information about other people's failures experiences as possible.
Last_Jedi_Standing wrote:My high school had somebody whose entire job was to help students with questions like that, and everybody had meetings scheduled with them once or twice starting in 11th grade. If you don't have someone in a similar position, ask some of your professors who you can talk to about that--I'd be very surprised if they didn't know someone who could give you competent advice.
There are academic advisors. Assuming you don't get one that's fresh out of Da Westside and can barely speak English like I did then they're your number one resource. Also, try to find someone who's taken any class you are interested in and ask them about it. Also use or whatever it is but that's not as reliable.

Re: What I've learned in (community) college

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:54 am
by CMA
prototype wrote:
CMA wrote:Communications classes are basically tumblr
Core classes are often just highschool
The books are often useless and always expensive
Financial aid clerks like motivated people
The girls are weird looking and the guys are gay looking.
The students are dumb

No communication classes

Classes that seem like highschool often aren't. Don't be like me and dismiss them, then have to learn the entire module just before the exam.

Lol, books.

I'm not eligible for financial aid anyway, no use for engineers where I'm from

True, also true.

I'm in the Engineers block, so not quite true. Despite attempts to convince me otherwise.

Learnt from half my 1st year into an Engineering Degree.
Yeah, I don't think they're required much anymore. Last class we talked about how toys brainwash children into being male or female, and the book says how "Science has proven" race is a social construct. Also women are a minority.

You need books here. Professors won't cover everything. Depends on the class. Also I have a 4.0 GPA and I'd like to keep it, so I can't afford to miss a class, let alone a class worth of information.

Let me repeat myself: I am at an urban/rural(several campuses) community college. The majority just did terribly in highschool and had to come here because their rich parents said they had to.

Also this black kid tried to rob me/sell me weed when I accidentally took the subway to the bad part of town. Fun times.

Re: What I've learned in (community) college

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:15 am
by Shadowcatbot
If that was in Texas, Someone would've pulled a gun on that fucker.

You don't rob people, you just play Russian roulette.

Re: What I've learned in (community) college

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:56 am
by CMA
Shadowcatbot wrote:If that was in Texas, Someone would've pulled a gun on that fucker.

You don't rob people, you just play Russian roulette.
Supposedly you can carry a gun on the MARTA(Atlanta transit thing) if you have a 'proper license.' In Georgia you don't need a license for a lot of guns, so it's probably not a good idea to carry any with me.