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Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:01 pm
by cats
Off-topic is not a good reason to lock a thread. Locking should be a last-ditch option used only when a thread reaches a critical mass of flaming, intolerance, or anything else that actually jeopardizes the community. Not because the discussion has evolved to a point outside of what was outlined in the topic.

It's like we can't even have a conversation anymore.


Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:21 pm
by Solar112
Off topic is a perfectly valid reason to lock it. and so is just because the OP said so.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:31 am
by CMA
Interesting, I've been looking at meth's profile picture and assuming it was error.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:30 am
by Iv121
No , in my opinion Error is really trigger-happy when it comes to locking, too. Yes a reasonable amount of off-topic is not a valid reason for locking a thread, that’s just how conversations work, people change topics, if some other people don’t like it they have the right to request to go back on topic, otherwise the mod has no reason to interfere.

Why not open a new thread for each new topic you say ? Some topics are simply not big enough to have their own thread, but eventually all that moving business simply breaks the flow of the conversation. Its like your friends are talking about something related to school in the classroom, now they changed topic about sports and you like come in and say "Hey guys if we change the topic lets go to the sports yard !" and you all happily go there, finally arrive there, think what the hell were you talking about ( "yes ... basketball ... we talked about the black jewish ninjas winning last night ... ?") and stare at each other miserably.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:46 am
by Ivan2006
What Iv said.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:35 am
by Error
If you want to discuss something, create a thread for it. If a thread goes off topic, It may get locked.

If you want some freedom, make discussion threads with a more generalized topic. And I do my best to interpret the signs of incoming unproductivity/arguments and prevent it/them.

It's not a thing I enjoy doing, but this community can't even regonize a simple request as "Stay on topic". As for the flow of conversation, starting a new thread dedicated to what you were discussing won't kill anyone.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:10 am
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
If it's in the Off Topic section there should be no need to lock a thread if it gets derailed. I mean, sure, I understand that you might lock a thread/delete posts if a Development section thread starts talking about whether or not bananas should be considered fruits, but any thread in the off topic section will after a while turn away from the original topic.
And if someone got something more to say on the original topic, he can just say "Okay back on topic" followed by the post.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:14 am
by Error
Unfortunately, serial escalation is popular here, Dayn. If someone says "Back on topic", odds are the next post will be replying to his own off topic. While I get it is the Off Topic subforum, Having every single thread derail massively gets a tad annoying.

And as a side note, I am lenient compared to some modernazis I've seen in the past. Frankly, locking threads for off topic doesn't warrant complaint.

Also, moved to Appeals, this isn't forum suggestion, it's a complaint aginst moderation.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:44 am
by  ҉ 
I agree with Error. The Off-Topic section, as has been explained god only knows how many times in the past, is not a place for threads to go off-topic. It is a place to post stuff that's not relevant to Futurecraft. Threads that are no longer on-topic should be locked, and the members most responsible for derailing them should receive points.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:09 pm
by Iv121
Let me put it this way: When a thread is created it sets a specific topic that is supposed to be discussed in it, that is why the highest posting priority goes to those who wish to discuss the set topic. The moderator's job is to ensure that those members do get the priority in the discussion by preventing off-topic upon request.

HOWEVER if no one comes to claim that priority it becomes pointless to try and give priority to someone who doesn't exist, moreover locking a topic does not allow the actual users who wish to stay on topic to actually post anything in that topic , making this act pointless at the very core. When an original topic becomes irrelevant anymore locking the thread does not help anyone either as it prevents from anyone who wishes to revive the discussion at a later date to actually do so.

To conclude, a moderator’s job is to ensure that those who want to stay on topic get the highest priority in a discussion, this by making an official request and afterwards perhaps deleting the off-topic post. Locking any thread for the reason of it being off topic is a meaningless act that only annoys people without giving any actual benefit. Due to this fact I request to unlock the following topic for the public (even though it is basically nothing more than a symbolic deed):


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:13 pm
by cats
So clogging the forum with unnecessary threads is a better alternative to continuing a discussion.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:31 pm
by Ivan2006
I do not see why a discussion should be stopped because it is different from what it says in the headline.
There is currently no rule against derailing threads, so your claim that derailers should recieve points lack any reason.
Not to mention we don't use points anymore, and giving someone a full-blown ban (even if temporarily) for derailing a thread is not really something that will work out.

Moderators exist to make sure the forum doesn't turn into a shithole and/or engage in civil war, NOT to enforce a strict posting etiquette that generally doesn't achive anything except for people not being able to talk what they want to talk about simply because the topic has been finished and there is nothing to do except talking about something that still may have some context to the original topic.

So, basically what Iv said.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:38 pm
by  ҉ 
That Error and I are the only ones here who think threads remaining on-topic is a good thing explains a lot about why this forum is in the shape it's in.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:15 pm
by Error
Also note that both me and Jedi tend or tended towards locking BEFORE arguments arose, and thus, people complained. Moderators exist to prevent conflicts arising that would cause Bad. I'm trying to prevent Bad.

Again, if you want to talk about feature X, make a Feature X Discussion Megathread. Megathrwads only get locked when they devolve into active and true flame wars, name calling, and fail. FC hasn't managed that yet.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:38 pm
by cats
We don't want you to prevent arguments, we don't want you to be the white knights that ride in to save off topic threads. Use of powers should be the exception, not the norm.