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Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:55 pm
by Saravanth
I... have little experience with it. The staff is friendly enough, at least. As for the code, a few days I presume. You can always check through the popup that appears when you go on their site.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:57 pm
by cannonfodder
Speaking as someone who's gone there, I really don't like their CP. It's like they tried to make everything accessible at the expense of anyone who knows what they're doing. It's impossible to uninstall applications installed through it, for example. They also tend to throw a hissy fit if you try to circumvent it. If I were looking for a host I'd honestly just go for someone with McMyAdmin, though I understand tastes are often different. Also those deals kinda suck, in all honesty. I remember last year they had one where you got 30% off for the duration of your service. That was nice while it lasted, but I feel like using these 'x% off for y months!' is really just going to kick you in the goodies when the normal price sets in.

Ask saravanth for a demo and see how you like it.

I've had a VPS I've been using for some website hosting and file storage with 2g in and 2g swap that ran a mount and blade server for about a week last summer, but I think Flan's is a bit too intense for that.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:08 pm
by Saravanth
I asked you for opinions in the Starbound-thread, Tiel, and you didn't reply. Oh well. I got a 20€ server for 4€, so it's not a massive loss if it doesn't work out too well. I don't expect it to last much more than a month before we get bored again, so there's that, too. Yeah, just try it out, those sales kinda suck indeed, but 90% off is very hard to complain about.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:09 pm
by Prototype
Creeper host has got barely any info on their site with regards to mods, which isn't usually a good sign. I'll ask LabJac what server he's using, for I know that will work with the setup I intent to run, even if they do tend to change the IP once in a while. Though there is an issue with that in that it's not possible to download server files. And I'm going to want a copy of one of the worlds.

As for the deals I'd rather not rush into a host purely because they have a deal on without having everything ready, while I can theoretically just update the mod pack at any time using Technic, being on inferior Internet again has made me realise this might just tick people off.

Although it's not the Flan's bit that concerns me in terms of server strain... I think galacticraft will prove more problematic there.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:21 pm
by cannonfodder
FTP access is a thing with them, as is mod support - just not through their cp.
Saravanth wrote:I asked you for opinions in the Starbound-thread, Tiel, and you didn't reply.
Forgive me, I'm not as forum-omniscient as I used to be.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:23 pm
by Prototype
Hmmm... I'll take a closer look then. Though I think I'll be ignoring the deals, if I can't afford it later I won't buy it now (I can into common sense me). Especially as I don't know how much this extra project will generate.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:18 pm
by Dr. Mackeroth
Hey Prototype, I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but I noticed that there's no link to the FC forums on your PMC page for the FC-mod pack. Is this intentional? Because, given the number of views your PMC page for the pack has, a link might help attract some more people. If attracting people is what we want to do, of course.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:32 pm
by Prototype
Ah, there used to be one to this thread, but I reformatted the page a while ago and it looks like I managed to remove it. I'll add it back in.

Though that said, the average intelligence on PMC has bombed in the last few months, I'm not sure about recruiting from there.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:37 pm
by Error
I'mma vote no on recruiting from PMC, personally.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:39 pm
by Ivan2006
I say mabbe put the link there.
If too many bonkers show up, put it back away.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:10 pm
by Saravanth
For the love of Slaanesh, don't.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:30 pm
by ACH0225
prototype wrote:Creeper host has got barely any info on their site with regards to mods, which isn't usually a good sign. I'll ask LabJac what server he's using, for I know that will work with the setup I intent to run, even if they do tend to change the IP once in a while. Though there is an issue with that in that it's not possible to download server files. And I'm going to want a copy of one of the worlds.

As for the deals I'd rather not rush into a host purely because they have a deal on without having everything ready, while I can theoretically just update the mod pack at any time using Technic, being on inferior Internet again has made me realise this might just tick people off.

Although it's not the Flan's bit that concerns me in terms of server strain... I think galacticraft will prove more problematic there.
As for downloading worlds, I can assist with that; I used to have a client side mod which copied multiplayer worlds into a single player one. Using that, you could easily copy sections of the world such as a ship or other item of interest.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:50 pm
by cannonfodder
prototype wrote:Ah, there used to be one to this thread, but I reformatted the page a while ago and it looks like I managed to remove it. I'll add it back in.

Though that said, the average intelligence on PMC has bombed in the last few months, I'm not sure about recruiting from there.
The same goes for all minecraft-related sites. Minecraft has become some sort of rite of passage for a lot of adolescents. Not necessarily a bad thing (I find it fascinating a programming project on the side exploded into a child targeted brand) but if you're looking for coherent and/or well-thought conversation you won't find it.

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:29 am
by Prototype
True, thought you used to be able to hold such conversation with the staff there, not so much anymore.

By then again what part of minecraft isn't plagued by poor staffing?

Re: FC content pack flan's [UBERTHREADNAUGHT]

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:53 am
by Saravanth
The part without any staffing whatsoever.