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ancient warfare

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:55 pm
by joykler
hello i already posted this in the flans topic but here again

i think it would be wise to for the time being try to link ourselves with the ancient warfare mod

i know what you think ancient and future but the ancient warfare mod actually already has non history weapons such as the arm rocket launcher and the diffrent mines

my idea is to offer a couple of our modders to help the ancient warfare mod
in return he will call it the warfare mod and he will add a new layer of items to the game he would have the ancient medieval things but also the future things that would be usefull for us

if you look at the mod in its current state
you may think why do we need that well here's the thing he made alot of weapons and weapon systems that when adjusted would work perfectly on our mod

here is a list of things that are included and what we can use it for
Vehicles have multiple ammunition types, ammo slots/ammo bay to store ammo in, and consume ammo as fired.
well this seems clear if we want tanks and planes to fire diffrent kinds of ammo,rockets,bombs we need this this is also included in the flans mod but this mod is far more easy to use because you dont have to switch bullits in the inventory everytime you just press a button and you will change ammo
diffrent kinds of ammo need diffrent kinds of upgrades to fire

Vehicles have multiple upgrade options to enhance or change various characteristics
this is again so wonderfull of this mod if we want diffrent kinds of vehicles it would be way more fun because you can not only program the vehicles but you can upgrade them in game take them apart and put them back toghether thats not possible with flans

Armor is available to help protect your vehicle from different types of damage. (General, Fire, Explosion)
kindda obvious

Vehicles have unique handling and aiming characteristics, and each is a different experience to use.
in flans you have the car the tank the plane and the aagun
now thats great and all and you can change the rate of fire the speed the possiblity to carry one or more players and the possibility to carry bombs but we want more much more. but only a bit more complicated now look at the vehicles of the ancient mod
you have.

the catapult/balistea a drivable stone/arrow thrower the animations are awsome and he reacts perfectly with his enviroment
because the platform would drive around with the turret staying in place so targeting while dodging enemy bulllits is no problem and when it drives of hills it wont go all upside down instead it would just drive of while looking good he would have some overlap but not like the flans mod tank that just doesnt look like much
also when a drivable vehicle goes over grass the grass would becomes dirt like when a tank drives over it

hwacha the hawacha is very diffrent of the catapult its shoots rockets when fired it shoots a whole barrage of 64 possible regular,flaming and explosive
this would be a good start for a rocket turret. in the mod this would be carryd in a very diffrent way of course we could mount this on a tank and drive it around
or we could make it into a ship or building mounted turret

balistea turret much like the aa but medieval style we could change this and make it more like an aa
however this has the advantage of more things that you can alter for a more precise aim
and ofcourse diffrent kinds of ammo not possible right now in flans

cannon the cannon is a substitute for artillery you could change its size and use it to make big artillery weapons also ship mounted cannons can be like these

chest carts are used at the moment to carry around your loot but actually this is a great idea this cart would follow you around when you attach yourselve to it the cart automaticly goes around dangerous areas and will keep up with you it can be used to escort military or mining operations

Vehicles and gates are repairable, so your investment doesn't _have_ to get destroyed.
all these vehicles are repairable with certain repair parts
and gates ar again an awsome part of this mod he made bridges and gates that are fantastic
to build a gate you click the upper corner and the lower corner on the other side within these boundries a gate appears where you can add a team name or player name so only certain players can go thru these gates can get really big and can receive a decent amount of damage we can make laser screens of this and use it

bridges he has made a brige block that sends a bridge plank to the nearest block each block he crosses would be safe to walk on but if you hit the starting blocks or
send a redstone signal to it the bridge would dissapear

Now with Soldiers!
again an awsome part of the mod he has made soldier ai's the soldier can again be altered in many ways
but the best part of it is the way the soldiers work toghether at this point its still very buggy but you can see the potential

each soldier can mount every siege engine and fire it at enemy players/mobs when you click them with a baton they will protect you speciffily until you undo this
protecting you would include giving you cover fire healing you when you have medics in your team and just work together. the most beutifull here is the fact that there is a rank sytem each soldier would remain i a team [at the moment this team would spread a little but would still be a team] the soldiers would look around until they find a soldier with a higer rank then they will follow the stats and objectives you have given the commander
when a solider gets to a certain lvl he will spawn his own soldier
their are also medics and engineers that wold repair your soldiers and siege engines

he also has instant building very usefull
i say look this up discuss it and maybe we could worksomething out

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:18 pm
by ACH0225
I don't think we want to work with anyone else. We might accept new coder-slaves, but the flans project is just a testbed for new concepts. I don't know if you understand the scope of Futurecraft if you are suggesting we abandon anything to join someone else. This mod will make the Aether look like something made by ignorant hatchlings. This mod could very well change how people look at Minecraft. If you think we want to lend our modders to a completely unrelated mod, for no charge, you are mistaken.

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:49 pm
by joykler
no our charge would be that we take a part of his mod if we lend him some modders that currently have nothing to do
and it is in our range because all the things that i summed up
are things that have to happen

first he has to change the mod name
then he gets some free labor
but then we take over a large part of his mod
this way we get more popularity our modders get more experience
and we get a beginning for the mod

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:06 pm
by fr0stbyte124

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:08 pm
by joykler
strong argument

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:28 pm
by Dux_Tell31
I see some similar game-design between Futurecraft and Ancient Warfare. But what I don't understand, is what you think Futurecraft will accomplish by partnering somehow with this mod's Dev team.

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:02 am
by fr0stbyte124
He thinks the reason the project is dragging on is because we are understaffed. He wasn't around during the time we went through I think 4 programmers due to mismanagement.

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:01 am
by joykler
i dont think we are understaffed okey maybe a litle for the whole project but thats for the future
no i think some peole are doing things that ar good for the mod but can be better

i think that wen partnering up with the ancien mod
we get more attention we temprorary have our mods practicing with ancients mod
and we get pieces of the mod we want

things like

and we can ask if he wen we help him
could include first some planes then some fighters
and then we could make the stepin the whole from flans to this mod

because the animations and the controll and the performance of this mod are way better then flans
and we want this kind of thing for our mod

and when we get to the point we need all our mods back
maybe we get some more mods then we gave them

and alot of attention

i do think we need to negotiate

i would say we need to be mentioned in each update
or letsplay / modreview

the name should change to warfare
and he would need to input more future stuff

maybe in two packages

alot of the things he currently has are good enough with a diffrent model for the future

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:43 am
by ACH0225
Flans isnt going to be the mod. I am fairly sure only some of the models will be kept, not the code. They are just using Flans because it I user friendly. As for punlicity, we don't want any, last I checked. So in a word, repeated from someone far more important on this forum than I, no.

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:15 am
by Prototype
I can do tanks with Flan's, and multiple ammo types.
And while I am going to keep the models (well the code that defines their shapes and the textures), we won't use Flan's mod for real FC, though there are a few things in Flans that allow me to test systems that we can recreate for FC (as in crafting recipes and how expensive they are, multiple ammo types, for example the MMD has a really expensive high damage ammunition, and a cheaper, low damage mining ammo).

Again I will repeat, Flan's mod is just a test bed, where we can quickly test some systems.

Also the Flan pack will gain publicity with a certain crowd, not just the general mob of the Internet, but it will mostly just say that we are still alive and kicking.

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:40 pm
by joykler
yes and working toghether with a mod like this wil show that we are making progress and being awwsome

and while this flans wont be used
this an edited vesion of this mod would be good enough

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:59 pm
by ACH0225
No. It most definently would not. I am very sure fr0st already made up his mind on this.

Re: ancient warfare

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:29 pm
by  ҉ 
This should probably be locked. The discussion should be over. Fr0st himself has rejected the idea, and that's the end of the story. :|