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Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:24 pm
by joykler
yes because its easy
it absololutely wouldnt work like flint and steel

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:51 pm
by ACH0225
I don't think we need this much complexity. People woul purposefully go for mutations, and the people who have them get a distinct advantage, and then they keep that advantage. This reminds me of cool3303's Aliens ideas. You know, the really bad ones that we unanimously vetoed.

Anyways, here is my completely honest thoughts on these ideas.
They are too complex. When the I submit an idea, I first think, "Is it worth the time and effort to code? Is it worth the memory to use? Will the average player who plays with no mods enjoy it? Does it fit with the Future/Space theme?" As far as I can tell, this would be worth the effort to code-for a separate mod. It is not "future/space-y in its essence, the mutations feel kinda tacked on. The majority of it would have no use in spaceship piloting, only on the ground. We want people away from the ground, pew pewing and mining in space. The average player who has been playing since pre-hunger would dislike it, just as they disliked hunger. It makes things twice as complicated, but this makes things 7 times as complicated. Heat favoring makes no sense-People shouldn't be restricted by heat, and people can usually bear temperatures outside their comfort zones. There are also no set classes, and there will probably be way more armor "groups", if there are any. Mutations are OP, people will only go for a few and the rest will be useless code.

In the end, it would for a standalone mod, but would just anger and alienate the majority of the foreseeable user groups.

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:07 pm
by joykler
sorry i dont hear many people saying men have to go of the ground i only hear you saying that i think the thread next to this is a drop pod one about sending things to ground

then we have te problem of having people everywhere destroying things this would solve it because to do such a thing yuoo would need to play longer and get the needed equipment
hunger is not hated by everyone i like it and im playing since the very start
more armor could be put in but this fits with the rest of the idea
you are too complicated
people could just be pointed an location and go there with nothing to fear of the stats they dont understand because they could survive without
its very future themed think of anything from borg to darthvader
from fishpeople to still suits
not to mention the exact thing in dune where someone gets wurm scales on his skin

so here for ya

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:41 pm
by ACH0225
I am too complicated? Afraid I don't understand. This whole idea too complex for the average person to grasp immediately. We aren't really going for a hyper-kinda-realistic game. We want spaceships, new ores, armor, guns, and trade. Most people don't want to be shouldered with more effort to get a basic house and civilization.

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:43 pm
by Ivan2006
joykler wrote:sorry i dont hear many people saying men have to go of the ground i only hear you saying that i think the thread next to this is a drop pod one about sending things to ground

then we have te problem of having people everywhere destroying things this would solve it because to do such a thing yuoo would need to play longer and get the needed equipment
hunger is not hated by everyone i like it and im playing since the very start
more armor could be put in but this fits with the rest of the idea
you are too complicated
people could just be pointed an location and go there with nothing to fear of the stats they dont understand because they could survive without
its very future themed think of anything from borg to darthvader
from fishpeople to still suits
not to mention the exact thing in dune where someone gets wurm scales on his skin

so here for ya
You may just have earned yourself the title of "Doctor" in Strigiforme´s ranks.
And believe me, that´s not a compliment.
(Stop insulting the veterans, please. They know common Futurecraft sense longer than you and won´t just let you destroy what they worked hard on to build up.)

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:03 pm
by fr0stbyte124
No fighting.

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:37 pm
by bsb23
fr0stbyte124 wrote:@bsb23
He really wasn't insulting anyone. Just pointing out that you are in the minority opinion on this. While advanced survival and building up from nothing may certainly appeal to some, it adds extra complexity to the game, most of which will be completely discarded by the time people get to the space stage.

And you need to realize that something which might work in single player, or in a smallish community where everyone is on equal footing is not going to work in a giant multiplayer universe where you are competing with people with massive tech advantages over you. We haven't even worked out a proper solution to keep random strangers from destroying you before you get to space, and that is without you having to reinvent civilization first. It's a fine idea for a mod, and it's possible that the Copernicus framework could do some really interesting things with those mechanics, but your survivalist universe is not Futurecraft. Even with as large a scale as this mod is going to be, we can't make it be everything to everyone, and this is going to be one of those times. We will try to make the technology varied and interesting, but recreating the history of man is outside the scope of this project.
My apologies I got a little defensive there, didn't mean to go overboard. Also sorry for late response. My hope with this mod is that it can achieve something big. Obviously, same as everyone else. Have it be something a little larger than just a mod. I understand these are child-ish dreams and words. But these not only the potential of being a good mod (although low on content compared to what the packs will be like by then) something like this could be a great base for something bigger. A lot bigger. Like UE in format, except with a revolutionary concept behind it. What I see is futurecraft being exciting but you would be far behind the packs, even the pre-developed stand-alones. People will side with content over space almost immediately. I can't guarantee anything, I could be horribly wrong but that is my guess. To make matters worse we are growing at a much slower rate. Fr0st does a fabulous job and I would never want to rush him. We simply need more people if we want to go above and beyond (please tell me now if you don't want to make a game-changing mod, I wouldn't want to waste your time)

Now I know I ramble horribly my guess is half of you stopped reading by now but if you have made it this far I promise to make it organized and quick from here on out. Alright?

Alright so I mentioned this before but the basic idea is a way to recruit new coders. We don't need them yet I am aware. But when we have solid-proof of concept and something to show for it and we simply put help wanted on the front page next to the video/movie or whatever. Get a decent amount of decent coders, sort them out into tasks much like we have done. Waiting for something solid is necessary. Otherwise we end up where we are now, just waiting. (the little seven second video is not solid, it had no proof of concept beyond the zeppelin mod). Here is the key though, separate them into teams, with someone trust-worthy in charge of each team, that way if someone disappears, there is a way to pick up the slack. Treat each team as its own mod, with releases and suggestions and etc. You'll need an installer as well to keep everyone up to date on each piece.

I hate writing this, it makes me sound like a *. I suppose a last stand is in order though. Anyways the goal is to get well known mod authors to switch, this is the tricky part, most modders prefer to work alone or at the head of a group. Which essentially is what has to happen. Come over here and you can be in charge of all machines, or Animal AI or something along those lines, whatever they do. Assimilating other communities is the only way to get everyones attention and get more great coders. Think if IndustrialCraft suddenly decided to become part of UE? They wouldn't do it because IC2 thinks they have something better but we are assuming that we do have something better, which we do. From here its just giving the coders room to work and watch the mod and number of modders grow.

Alright that was ridiculous, new topic
RPG vs. Survival
RPG or whatever you wish to call it, is a more popular playing style. But we are leaving a huge number of players out in the cold if we don't try to do something bigger. I'm not saying create them both now that would be foolish, I'm saying plan them now, draw players in with the promise of a world of truly endless possibilities after we have gained the attention of the community and simply have a separate group of coders design the world gen and such (Its not like we are on a time crunch here) for this harder, challenging, adventurous new universe.
Early-game protection
If you can't find me, how will you destroy me? The bigger the nation the better chance of being known, simply because you are more visible. There are empty planets, correct? If there are also empty solar systems, the chance of finding anyone isn't likely, its like finding a specific animal in Spore(slight exaggeration). Servers aren't going to want to conquer large areas anyways, how would their servers handle it?
Edit: I'm done, I apologize, that was horrendous. I'm going to go jump off a................. :apc: what the hell is this anyways?

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:24 pm
by fr0stbyte124
I believe that is an armored personnel carrier.

Anyway, no one is mad and no harm done, and it's perfectly fine to dream big here. Futurecraft is going to get very big. If there is something we physically cannot do I will let you know, but otherwise, everything is still open for debate.

As for your points, it would be nice to get some additional developers, but the problem we've run into in the past is that they tend not to stick around if they don't have something well-defined to work on, and I don't have enough time to properly manage other people. As we get out of the engine doldrums, that may change, but for now I think it's alright. The important thing is that the people involved know what this project is like and want to be here. On that note, I don't think we are going to find too much assistance from other major modders on the MC forum. Most are plenty busy with thier own work, and while I have talked to quite a few who are supportive of our efforts, most cannot afford to help with code work.

Same goes for advertising. I would like to have something a bit more substantial than that ancient video clip as well before really pushing visibility on this project. It sucks keeping everyone waiting for so long.

As for your second point it sounds like you are suggesting planning on how to bank on emergent gameplay. I'm not exactly sure how one goes about doing that, or if by definition one even can. We're certainly discussing how to expand the scope of the game though. You are absolutely right in thinking things will stagnate if there is no external impetus for expansion or exploration.

For your third point, there can't be a massive amount of planets, especially since nobody else seems to like the cloud approach. As such, people aren't going to be able to hide all that well. Certainly not well enough that this will provide acceptable defense. Bullying lower level players is at direct odds with the intent of PvP, but at the same time, there are going to be enough players interested in doing that to present a very real possibility of ruining the entire game for anyone else playing. I still don't think there is a good way to deal with this without getting a little heavy handed with artificial restrictions.

Re: stats and stuff

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:24 am
by joykler
thats why the conditions are inportand look this is how i see it

if you dont like the you can only get weapons if you are in a faction idea
this might also work

everyone spawns on two or three planets in the middle of a big city
these planets are a reasonable distance from eachother when you join for the first time you may choose on wich planet you spawn [for people who want to start with friends] there they can already get the feeling of future craft from here they can go to a few places:
mining operations= you go on a ship that leaves every couple of minutes to the nearest mine for a small fee
outside=you just walk outside the city limits and there you can just try to survive but you cant destroy anything on a spawn planet
or try to find a job somwhere
with the money or the ores you gather you can buy/build your first vessel. with this vessel you can go explore the rest

but outside citys or large towns you would get it a lot harder because there are all those negative effects
inside homes build there there can be a normal enviroment but for starters even that would be too risky so they would start to look for armor so they would survie outside the normal enviroment because there are all the good recources

this way people without weapons/armor would be safe inside citys/spawnplanets/large towns and go at their own risk outside
while the people with more experiance roam the universe

in each city you could also try to join a faction that would bring the new recruits to their home planet once a day