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Loadout discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:31 pm
by Phalanx
A place to discuss all things pertaining to loadouts. Talk about guns, weapon attachments, vehicle customization, your preferred load out for a certain situation, basically whatever you want as long as it's on topic.

Re: Loadout discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:10 pm
by Phalanx
I'm going to start with air vehicle loadouts.
These are gonna be pretty lengthy, I use a lot of vehicles.
I'll stick to NC for faction specific stuff.
Reaver- Vortek and Breakers for weapons, the breakers provide excellent air to ground capability, while I can take advantage of the Reaver's high afterburner speed to get in close with enemy ESFs and unload a clip of my Vortek into them. Scout radar in the utility slot for rapid acquisition of ground targets for attack runs. Racer in the performance slot for closing the distance rapidly on my target and getting out quickly if I find myself outmatched. This also accentuates the Reaver's inherent advantage of having the highest afterburner speed. The defense slot is taken by the nanite auto repair system, it is simply useful and fits the most situations.

Liberator- I always run with the CAS30, the dreaded Dalton, and the walker for obvious reasons.
Defense- auto-repair
Performance- High-G
Utility- Afterburner (You can't outrun an ESF with this, but it can buy you some time to get over to friendly airspace.)

Bulldogs for side; they are effective against both infantry and armor, walker on top, for AA obviously, and the default drake in the back, it's effective for percision anti infantry.
Defense- auto-repair
Utility- fire suppression
Performance- Racer for making (relatively) quick drops.

Re: Loadout discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:08 pm
by Shadowcatbot
The galaxy really needs wingtip AA, bulldogs are not good air weapons unless you've got a lot to spam.

Re: Loadout discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:37 pm
by Tell
Lashers and PPA's all the way.