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Soundtrack Application

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:30 pm
First off im not sure if this goes here but there is no thread specified so...

Hey guys I don't know if you remember me or not but I posted another application last year around march I believe. I have come back because I want to act on it. I have gained a lot more experience in the past year and I have a few demos too. So sorry I just up and left but I had family stuff going on that needed to be addressed.

So if you still need someone for music I'm your guy.

I will send you my demos if you ask but I would prefer to do it through email or pm because I haven't copyrighted them yet so I don't want the public getting their hands on em.

So let me know if you want me, I can produce pretty quickly it only takes a few hours for each song and trust me they are good.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:54 pm
by Shadowcatbot
I really doubt anyone is gonna steal your music I mean its probably not that good (Not that im doubting your skills, Probably way better then what I can do ^-^ )

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:00 pm
by ACH0225
Yea. I doubt anyone here really cares enough to steal music. Just post one example of your music, so we can all hear it. Besides, sending it by email only narrows down who could steal it.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:42 pm
Here you go, and I don't appreciate what you said Shadowcat not to be an arse but it wasn't very nice. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:00 am
by fr0stbyte124
Mod Edit: removed tangential conversation

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:28 am
by fr0stbyte124
On topic:
I'm liking what I'm hearing in this sample. The entrance of the horn at 1:00 and the subtle accompaniment made for an interesting theme, though I can't help thinking there was a layer missing in there. I wonder what it would sound like if you had the choir instrument sustaining the accompaniment's notes in the pauses where the horn is resting? It's an interesting tune. Lots of potential for variations.

The second sample felt less organized than the first. I think it would probably benefit from a stronger driving theme, unless it's meant to be background music, in which case it's a bit too busy.

You've got me interested now. What sort of style do you enjoy the most? What kind of musical theme do you envision Futurecraft having?
Do you have any other samples you wouldn't mind sharing? You can PM links if you'd like, but I think it would be more beneficial if everyone involved with the project could hear them.

I'm also curious what the rest of you think about this, and how it compares to your own ideas about what sort of musical theme Futurecraft should take.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:42 am
The first and second sample were 1 song just separate parts. I can do some other types of music too but I like mostly orchestral stuff. Also I have another one im working on, I should have it by tommorow. As for where I think the music should go depends on what the rest of the team thinks, there is alot I can do but I will do what you want first and if your stumped Ill make it up.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:57 am
by Iv121
You may get an interesting result if you mix orchestral theme with futuristic /electronic elements, moreover it will fit the futurecraft theme . The first part of the sample was quite good, the second one was a bit chaotic as Frost mentioned.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:02 am
by cats
The first sample was good. Maybe not for just background, but would be perfect for boarding an enemy ship or planetary assault.

Beginning of the second would be food for normal background if that theme was theme was carried through the entire song. The rest wouldn't be so good for just ordinary background, but maybe a ground battle or losing a ship battle.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:24 pm
Alright here is the second one and a third is in progress if you wish. And a side note its all the same song as is the first one.

[youtube] ...[/youtube]

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:54 pm
by Instinct-XIV
It reminds me of a game i played a long time ago (turok on the nintendo 64)

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:26 pm
by Iv121
The main problem I see in it is that it is too generic, it is not specifically combat, nor tense nor travel music. It would fit better as a menu music. If you let's say stick with calm , maybe a bit itchy from time to time music you get a good exploration theme, if you keep up the tension throughout the soundtrack you get a battle theme. Also maybe they are too orchestral, those would fit more a fantasy world such as the story I write.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:44 pm
by Prototype
It's fairly good, seeing as it wasn't specifically made for FC, however we already have fen doing soundtracks, however I know how long it takes to make a decent track, so perhaps more music people would be useful, for they could do jobs other than music inbetween (I.e. textures)

However we don't know what we are doing about music yet, and it could be a while until we might need any soundtracks, but if we want a decent soundtrack we should probably be starting now if we are going to do it at all.

My only complaint would be it needs to be more metal, but you should probably ignore that.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:48 pm
by Iv121
However you wrote however too many time : :tongue: . Any help is always useful, especially considering the fact that composers are a rare thing to come across. It is true there are no specific plans for music HOWEVER ( :tongue: ) it is obvious that engagement and exploration soundtracks will be used.

Re: Soundtrack Application

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:56 pm
by Prototype
However the overuse of the word however is supposedly good for you.
However the person who wrote that is a little insane.

Back on topic, we could do with another composer, so we can get a little more variation with the soundtracks, also the software used to make these tracks (or so I'm told by a friend of mine who works with them) can be used to make sound effects, which means we won't have to rely on stock sound effects.

However ( :tongue: ) I would still like an admin only ray gun that does go pew pew, but that's irrelevent.

However I say we give this guy a chance, from what I've seen he seems like he could be quite useful.