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the Raider's story: chapters 6+7 are up!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:53 pm
by Ra1der Dr1verz
These are a collection of books written about the fictional FC entity/Species known as the Raiders. Starting at 2134425324 BSSF ending at where the Raidus Empire now stands at 137 ASSF.

The story of the Raiders is made for educational use only and is not to be sold. If you obtain this material through a way of transacting currency for the material spoken of, you should either return the material spoken of or alternatively destroy the material spoken of thereby losing the illegal product and preventing you from causing you to have any legal actions taken against you.

The story of the Raiders:


BSSF (Before Standard Space Flight)

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: 2134425324 BSSF
Chapter 2: 75,000,000 BSSF - Life begins on Raidus
Chapter 3: 69,000,000 - 1,000,000 BSSF - Time of the Dinosaurs
Chapter 4: 735,000 BSSF - Primitive Raiders
Chapter 5: 413,000 BSSF - The Raiders Hunt
Chapter 6: 1300 BSSF - Mass Extinction
Chapter 7: 1200 BSSF - New Life Dawns
Chapter 8: 900 BSSF - The Twenty-Seven Tribes of Raidus
Chapter 9: 500 BSSF - The Towns and the City
Chapter 10: 300 BSSF - The Time of the Trade
Chapter 11: 270 BSSF - Navigation is Key
Chapter 12: 160 BSSF - Air Travel
Chapter 13: 145 BSSF - The Planet isn't Flat
Chapter 14: 66 BSSF - The Civil War
Chapter 15: 67-49 BSSF - The Civil War Continues
Chapter 16: 49 BSSF - The Bravado Plan
Chapter 17: 46 BSSF - The Civil War Ends
Chapter 18: 36 BSSF - The Experiment
Chapter 19: 35 BSSF - Why the Experiment Failed
Chapter 20: 20 BSSF - The Final Idea
Chapter 21: 0 BSSF - Standard Space Flight
Dates have been added to all the chapters for a sense of the passage of time.

Chapter 1: 2,134,425,324 BSSF
From such huge explosions, down to a small planet being created, leading onto the amazing feats the Raiders had achieved, this story will inspire future generations of Raiders for as long as future generations of Raiders exist. 2,134,425,324 BSSF - This was when Raidus was created. After the huge atomic explosion fired by the ancient tribes all around the galaxies, for reasons unknown of course, the planets and the stars reshaped and re-aligned with each other, thus making the system of Raidus and the planet, Raidus I. The planet had a high peak on one side, and mildly high parts of land around it, but then the rest of the planet, almost 3/4 was deep pieces of land.

The planet spent millions of years after it's creation changing shape and cooling down all the magma until it's surface was covered with cool magma rock. After a couple billion years, at the date 924,265,143, the planet had finished it's creation and had suddenly got an atmosphere. This meant that poly-oxygen was all around, the heat from the sun was staying inside the planet's atmosphere and there was rain every so often. The rain had come into existence after a meteorite of frozen water had crashed into the lower part of the planet and, being so close to the core, the meteorite melted into water and made the first bit of rain.

Ever since the first meteorite thousands more have dropped and now we are at the date 80,000,000 BSSF where there have been so many meteorites causing rain and water all over the deep parts of the planet, Raidus I is now ready to support life. Raidus I at this time had an ocean covering 3/4 of the whole planet, poly-oxygen particles everywhere for life to breathe, an atmosphere which will keep in the heat but guard the planet from too much heat and now, something else is happening... Fauna is growing.
Chapter 2: 75,000,000 BSSF - Life begins on Raidus
Let's jump ahead around 5 million years where things get interesting. for the last few million years, fauna has been slowly spreading around, starting near the ocean and soon reaching the center-point of the land mass. There is a wide range of different plants, trees and a few weeds but something is missing. What will be there to give the tree's amazing ability of purifying the poly-oxygen in the air and the life that plants could support? Well, around 75,000,000 BSSF a huge asteroid comes into contact with the planet and pieces of the asteroid splash down into the ocean. This asteroid, however, is extremely different compared to all previous ones before it.

The asteroid was containing microbes that, when reacted with the water on Raidus, began to slowly mutate and multiply. By the time of 72,000,000 BSSF, these microbes have mutated into wondrous things, called... Fish. Oh yes, thanks to these simple life forms, over thousands and thousands of years, they have evolved and adapted into fish, prehistoric fish of course. The fish eat smaller fish and therefore create what is known as a food chain. But now, something even more amazing than the arrival of fauna is happening: There are animals on the land.
Chapter 3: 69,000,000 - 1,000,000 BSSF - Time of the Dinosaurs
By 69,000,000 BSSF, the planet is teeming with life, things called Prehistoric Animals. Different species dominate all over the land, Different food chains depending on the heat and the amount of rainfall in the area. There are two categories we can split the prehistoric creatures into: Meat-eaters and Fauna-Eaters. Those who are meat eaters are good at attacking other animals and they normally target fauna-eaters as they won't fight back. The fauna-eaters however, are specialized in defense and protecting others and are only violent when they or their young are attacked. there is constant fighting over which species will survive, we call this period of time the "Battle for Dominance".

One specific race is triumphant over all others in it's area, one called a Rergofor. Rergofors will soon win the battle and take dominance over the land mass of the planet. On another note, there is battles in the sea as well as on land however, strangely enough, Sea and Land creatures will never battle against each other, as if there are two different worlds.

Rergofors eventually evolve to become slightly smaller, more niftier and a load more deadly. Rergofors will adapt and evolve to become the most efficient at living better than any other creature. At one point, Rergofors evolve into bi-pedal creatures and become the first to do so; the date of this evolutionary stage is unknown. Rergofors then become more clever and live in small groups. We call this stage in the Rergofor evolution the "Step towards civilization". These types of Rergofors, clever and together, are known as the "Primitive Raiders" and they are the ones who will become space travelers.
Chapter 4: 735,000 BSSF - Primitive Raiders
Fast forward to 735,000 BSSF, and now the Raiders are in small groups called "Clans". This is similar to where in modern day we have friendship groups. Raiders have become the most deadly creature around and therefore have reached the top of the land food chain. Raiders can use their long bony claws to strike other animals however, it's not extremely efficient. These primitive Raiders think of something around 729,000 BSSF, the idea of using a piece of wood and some stick to make a pickaxe. The Primitive Raiders had just invented the first tool, a mere Wooden pickaxe to us, but to them, a whole new way of life. Coal was taken out of stone and the Raiders made torches, they used stone on the top of their pickaxes to make them better and stronger. Soon, the Raiders had all learnt that mining was the way to live, but they had forgot about the other creatures out there.

A bit of stone piled on top of a pile of sticks made a long sharp blade that was blunt at the edge however, using a piece of flint to scratch the end of the stone pieces made a new deadly tool for hunting, a sword. The Raiders had now harnessed natural resources to make the most deadly thing on the planet, capable of killing large animals if you stabbed right into their hearts. The raiders learnt where everything inside the other creatures were, making their knowledge for two things, hunting and healing, vastly better. The Raiders would now hunt herds of creatures at a time, more of a slaughter than a fight and the Raiders never ran out of fresh meat.

This was the way, Raiders believed, that the strong should live.
Chapter 5: 413,000 BSSF - The Raiders Hunt
The raiders had now become so deadly to other species, that they were considered to be in a league of their own. Yes, to any other creature, seeing a Raider meant certain death. The raiders set out to do only one thing in life: Hunt. The Raiders would hunt day and night, taking shifts in their clans then returning to their home and letting another Raider go to join the others in the hunt. This is known as a "Tag-Team Theory". Tag-Teaming proved to be the most efficient way of hunting, and in way is still used in modern society today. Where as it was Raiders off hunting back then, it is now working shifts at your job and then someone taking your place after you've finished for the day.

Back to 410,000 BSSF and the Raiders are constantly hunting and bringing in food for their young, the other primitive creatures simply hoping that they don't ever run into a Raider. Smaller battles between more primitive animals occur, even in their own species but the Raiders see this as a barbaric and stupid move to make. The Raiders are now clever enough to understand that standing together is the only way to succeed. The problem is, the Raiders are so darn good at hunting and killing, they are killing off the creatures they hunt faster than the primitive creatures can reproduce and soon, the whole species of Raiders will enter a time of hunger and, in a way, poverty compared to what they were used to. This time will kill hundreds of Raiders and prove to be a striking blow from nature.
Chapter 6: 1300 BSSF - Mass Extinction
The Raiders hit a problem in 1,300 BSSF which we call the "Time of Poverty". The now slightly more civilized Raiders were living in huge groups together, about 20 per group, and that big a population meant more food was needed. The Raiders had hunted so much without break, that the species they were hunting didn't have any time to have children. This caused the extinction of about 100 different species in that time of excessive hunting. Now, the Raiders had no food and so had to resort to what seemed like barbaric reasoning, the strong survive, the weak shall die.

Hundreds of Raiders died during this time, and strangely, so did all the other creatures. Now, the only animals alive were the slowly dying groups of Raiders. They were in trouble.

Chapter 7: 1200 BSSF - New Life Dawns
Suddenly, something absolutely amazing and astounding happens: more sea creatures have been seen on land, therefore making new land life. The Raiders instantly hunt these new creatures but regulate how much of them they eat. This is how Raiders learnt to selectively breed and over time manage huge amounts of creatures. The kinds of creatures that emerged from the sea around this time evolved into what we concern as food for our modern day selves.

Thanks to this massive evolutionary stage, the Raiders were given a new chance at life and hunting. The Raiders now were in huge groups all working together co-operatively. Raiders no longer went on shifts but every other day, a scouting party would go out to feed the group. This time is known as the "Rebirth" period and is part of some religions as a way of justifying the existence of their deities.

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:55 pm
by Tunnelthunder
If this is non fiction... WHAT?

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:05 pm
by Ra1der Dr1verz
Tunnelthunder wrote:If this is non fiction... WHAT?
Dude, relax... roleplay.

I mean...





Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:41 pm
by Professor Fenway



Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:05 am
by Ra1der Dr1verz
I didn't know you could do that :o

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:12 pm
by Vinyl
What do you mean you didn't?


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:53 pm
by Ra1der Dr1verz
Vinyl wrote:What do you mean you didn't?
He changed part of my OP. I never knew anyone had the power to do so, but it makes sense I guess.

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:40 pm
by Ivan2006
He has Moderator- rights.
That means he can change and delete your posts.
Also, terminating the power supply in "CONSLES" won´t help, except if it´s short for something.
I have never heard of a consle. Do you mean console? 'cause that would make more sense.

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:21 am
by Ra1der Dr1verz
Ivan2006 wrote: I have never heard of a consle. Do you mean console? 'cause that would make more sense.
It's a typo, I didn't notice it. Thanks for pointing it out, I have corrected it.

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:22 am
by Ra1der Dr1verz
accidental post, was meant to press edit on the post, instead pressed quote :S

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:18 pm
by Ivan2006
Congrats for creating an original backstory!
Not many manage to do that. (of course, it depends on how you define "original")
Other than that, good work, but the creation of a habitable planet is more or less the same every time, no need to write that stuff that detailed.
Maybe focus more on the history of the people and put prehistoric stuff aside.

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:20 pm
by Prototype
Unless you are doing some kind of ancient aliens thing on the prehistoric side, that could be cool.

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:23 am
by Ra1der Dr1verz
Prototype wrote:Unless you are doing some kind of ancient aliens thing on the prehistoric side, that could be cool.
I'm gonna do soon when primitive Raiders (Kinda like Neanderthals or Homo-Sapiens) will hunt out the whole of the Dinosaurs, par some sea creatures.

The story of the Raiders, Book 1, Chapter 2.

Chapter 2 75,000,000 BSSF - Life begins on Raidus I:
Let's jump ahead around 5 million years where things get interesting. for the last few million years, fauna has been slowly spreading around, starting near the ocean and soon reaching the center-point of the land mass. There is a wide range of different plants, trees and a few weeds but something is missing. What will be there to give the tree's amazing ability of purifying the poly-oxygen in the air and the life that plants could support? Well, around 75,000,000 BSSF a huge asteroid comes into contact with the planet and pieces of the asteroid splash down into the ocean. This asteroid, however, is extremely different compared to all previous ones before it.

The asteroid was containing microbes that, when reacted with the water on Raidus, began to slowly mutate and multiply. By the time of 72,000,000 BSSF, these microbes have mutated into wondrous things, called... Fish. Oh yes, thanks to these simple life forms, over thousands and thousands of years, they have evolved and adapted into fish, prehistoric fish of course. The fish eat smaller fish and therefore create what is known as a food chain. But now, something even more amazing than the arrival of fauna is happening: There are animals on the land.

Re: the Raider's story

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:50 am
by Ra1der Dr1verz
Chapter 3: 69,000,000 - 1,000,000 BSSF - Time of the Dinosaurs
By 69,000,000 BSSF, the planet is teeming with life, things called Prehistoric Animals. Different species dominate all over the land, Different food chains depending on the heat and the amount of rainfall in the area. There are two categories we can split the prehistoric creatures into: Meat-eaters and Fauna-Eaters. Those who are meat eaters are good at attacking other animals and they normally target fauna-eaters as they won't fight back. The fauna-eaters however, are specialized in defense and protecting others and are only violent when they or their young are attacked. there is constant fighting over which species will survive, we call this period of time the "Battle for Dominance".

One specific race is triumphant over all others in it's area, one called a Rergofor. Rergofors will soon win the battle and take dominance over the land mass of the planet. On another note, there is battles in the sea as well as on land however, strangely enough, Sea and Land creatures will never battle against each other, as if there are two different worlds.

Rergofors eventually evolve to become slightly smaller, more niftier and a load more deadly. Rergofors will adapt and evolve to become the most efficient at living better than any other creature. At one point, Rergofors evolve into bi-pedal creatures and become the first to do so; the date of this evolutionary stage is unknown. Rergofors then become more clever and live in small groups. We call this stage in the Rergofor evolution the "Step towards civilization". These types of Rergofors, clever and together, are known as the "Primitive Raiders" and they are the ones who will become space travelers.

Re: the Raider's story c4!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:57 am
by Ra1der Dr1verz
I'm back, and I'm soon going to make Chapter 4!