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Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:46 pm
by Vinyl
"How To Survive In Hexalan" December, 2014
Following their isolation, cultural drift took place to a degree. This document is to help clear up some common issues foreigners tend to have in Hexalan.

What you probably noticed when you first arrived is the peoples’ clothes, mannerisms, and the startling amount of Hexalan Corporation-owned locations.

The number one mistake most tourists and expats make is to try to approach someone. While they won’t ignore you and even seem rather nice, plus he or she might not even have a noticeable accent when speaking Basic, they are only so because the best way to get someone like you back out of their life is to meet your needs as quickly and as effectively as possible. Instead, you should use the many terminals around. They have a full copy of everything the locals could tell you, and in some cases, more.

But, on to clothing. You will see, should you look around, practically everyone is wearing a body glove, armor pieces, and probably a coat or light garment, they also are probably packing a weapon. Do not be alarmed. They believe in efficiency, and what better way to be prepared for an invasion or duty call than to wear around your equipment. You may say to yourself that “that’s incredibly silly, who’s going to up and mount an invasion out of the blue?” But remember, the nation is incredibly paranoid of a random invasion, it was, after all, how their ancestors came to be dislocated.

Also, try not to ogle them. I know, I know, they’re all really attractive, like really really. They were designed to be, and, hey, it even paid off during the formation of the Hexaguthian Empire. But, do keep in mind, staring at peoples is still rude, and especially if you’re staring at some more… specific locations.

So, you made it off the boat. Time to find a place to stay. Recalling back to the first paragraph, you will know to check a terminal, not take someone’s precious time. You’ll want to look for a residential block, there tends to be at least one every other level. After you’ve found the place you want to stay at, now you can talk to someone, the person behind the counter to be precise. Don’t expect them to be as accommodating as the people outside, as it is their job to talk to people like you, but unless there’s a queue, they won’t be very quick as the extra credits they get for every customer is increased based on the time they take, as either compensation for an unruly customer or a reward for helping one out.

Keep in mind, it matters absolutely nothing which room you take. They are all identical. I’d go down there right now, as I’d imagine you aren’t too keen on carrying the luggage around with you the whole time. Though you’ll also probably be a bit hungry. Do not go to a bar. Do not. You will be assailed. Instead, pick up something from Hexa-Mart or head out to a restaurant. If the fact nearly everything contains meat startles you, the fact that where you come from doesn’t startles them. The leading diet in Hexalan is a near-carnivorous one, further enabled by the injection of otherwise missing dietary components into their food. The upside to their diet for you, though, is that you have one of the largest selections of meat dishes in the galaxy available to you.
"Inside The [X] MkII" December, 2014
Name: Carpicona, Jeld
Age: 15 standard years
Gender: M

Wake up, suit, train, disarm, sleep, repeat. That is the daily routine practiced by Legion initiates. The Corps does so similarly, however, it is slightly more rigorous. More yet different, is that of the Tacticanum. All great Hexalani officers have attended the Tacticanum, its reputation proceeding it. On the fortress world of Veri, there is a 200 square kilometer underground facility. In that facility, thousands of those who wish to achieve the type of strategic genius. Famous servicemen such as the nation-renowned Jeld Rau, Linnaeus Kelly, and Jennifer Scratchovski were all once students at the Tacticanum. In their footsteps, I and my fellow recruits follow.

Several shots streaked past me, one hitting Cadet Krios. As he went down, I looked only forward, we were so close, only a hundred meters to go, but my men, my friends, were falling all around me. It was all I could do to contain myself, to not stop and unleash my rifle’s clip into the fortification. No, I needed to continue, to press on- I felt the stinging pain in my chest, the one I knew all too well. In moments I’ll be lying unconscious, in a few hours I’ll wake up in the recovery ward, another reprimand for my failure to win on the stand nearby, weighted by a plate of whatever dinner was to be. I hope it isn’t vuowti with yellow paint again.

I woke with a start. It wasn’t uncommon to have bad dreams while knocked out by sim rounds, and it was considered anomalous to remember them. To my left lay a tray of boiled poultry breast and a few carbohydrate rods, a small glass of water on the side. On the right stands a locker, my armor and weapon likely in it. The door hissed open, an attendant stepped in and began to readjust the rudimentary medical equipment mounted of the bed, although table would be a more apt description, across from the one I lay in.

Her face was familiar, though I did have a familiarity with most of the Recovery staff. Catching a glimpse as she turned to the scanner, I recognized an air of agitation about her. Though that seemed to be pretty popular these days, what with the way the government has been recently, cutting military spending, establishing treaties, forming trade deals, a far cry from the cautious and aggressive nature that had, for the majority of Hexalani history, been the norm.

Sitting up, I grabbed a few of the rods and started on one of them as I pondered where I had gone wrong. The door hissed again as the attendant made her leave, I paid only the minimum attention, focusing more on my greater issues. My scores have been suffering since day 1, mainly due to my fails in combat exercises, the latest most likely dropping it from 15.6 down to a solid 14. My brother will be disappointed, yet again.

I buried these thoughts as I finished the rods, moving onto the poultry, though not without first taking a sip from the glass. Downing the last bits, I got up and donned my suit and shouldered my rifle, heading down the halls to my quarters. There, I mindlessly but carefully took my armor off before sliding onto the low-hanging shelf dotted with formed padding that is my bed.
"Incident Report" [Unfinished] April, 2014
The fleet, as a whole, shuddered as they emerged from slipspace. Immediately, shields lit up brilliantly with weapons fire. On a timetable, the Admiral was not too keen on this engagement lasting, and ordered the carriers to target critical systems and begin landing, and authorized use of magnetic accelerator cannons.

Fighters and bombers spilled from both heavy support carriers, all ships highly visible against the starfield with their orange adorned white hulls. A large, almost explosive, sound resounded from the battlecruiser Aegis Faith as the massive bullet discharged. Before the muzzle flash could dissipate, the round impacted an enemy frigate and detonated its high explosive payload. Its shields and armor did not stand a chance. The force ripped apart the ship, sending crew both live and dead flying, a cloud of oxygen flooding the area. A bomber wing had to temporarily account for drag as they flew through the wreck and onwards to the now lone cruiser. Fighters distracting their point defense, missiles pounded their shields until the friendly cruiser Excessive Overkill fired its magnetic accelerator cannon, finishing it off.

“Have the fighters mop up whatever they have left. I want boots on the ground, people!”

“Yes, Admiral,” replied General Maes, shutting off the communication panel and leaving the room for the hangar. Being only a brisk walk away, he finalized his orders with Sergeant Paeg, who was in the other carrier and would be leading the second thousand of soldiers. Arriving, he gathered them for a short speech, one he gave before every battle prior, “As most of you already know, we are the spearhead of Hexalan, we are feared by all but each other, we are the men and women of Delta Fleet, may their domination be swift by our hand.” Cheer and applause followed.

Maes, ready to go in first via drop pods, had the carrier take position and waited in his pod. Paeg, on the other hand, opted to support the general and was prepared for landing using shuttles, and sat with his personal squad while the pilots began startup procedures. On the world below, it was a winter equivalent, and the sky not far above was thick with light-impenetrable clouds. In the darkness, the fiery plasma balls were the brightest thing all day for the ground-side militia forces. The white field was pockmarked with small craters created by the drop pods. Snow camouflaged soldiers with small bits of orange here and there began assaulting the various bunkers that lay around. On a slight ridge east, civilians looked onwards from their homes at the conflict.
Minutes in, perigrenes started their approach. Those who could afford to look up would see the shuttles dive through the dark sky. One of them, seemingly off course, came out just above the small town nearby. Admiral Rau ignored this, however, and continued to focus on the main battle taking place before him on the holographic table. It was a slaughter, the locals never stood a chance. Linn fixed her eyes on Jeld, not to study his features of course, she already knew what those from Core Hexalan looked like, being one herself, they like many of the people in this fleet shared this trait, and as such had a very specific appearance, unless of course they altered it themselves. Rau, catching her steel gaze returned his own,

“Dr. Kelly, what a surprise,” standing with his speech, they met at heights almost identical, a result of their shared homeworld. Jeld Rau had studied advanced military command at the same academy as her, and neither would’ve known that if they weren’t such acquaintances now, in their armed service.

“Admiral, may I pose a question?” The informality was inline for noncombatant scientific personnel.

“Shoot, Linn.”

“I merely thought it curious that the off-course shuttle has not made its way to the warzone yet.” He returned with silence, turning away to face the table again. The light shined against his near-black hair, creating a slight glare. “Never once have you allowed such insubordination among your troops, what is different about this case.” No longer acknowledging her, Linn left the bridge to the small shuttle bay, which is only present as such large craft are not practical to land.

Not having ever flown outside a simulator, Linn was unsure of her skill, but worried not. Having observed maps, she was almost sure of where the gunship had gone, and not being one to deem the worthiness of lives, Dr. Kelly was going down there personally, no matter the cost. Arriving in the bay, she dismissed the guards and as soon as they had left, she took to the nearest kodiak. The instant it was detected leaving the hangar, she received a hail from the Aegis Faith. Ignoring it, a fighter launched from a carrier and began tailing.

Missile lock confirmed, and the alarm for it blaring, Linn knew Rau would want to wait as long as possible before letting her be killed, surely. Several bullets, caliber that of rifles used by infantry, raced past the large cockpit window. Standing, she left of the aft, where the bench under which emergency supplies were kept. Lifting the seats and removing one of the spare armor sets, as well as extra ammunition for her sidearm, she removed the apparell she was wearing, all of which was purely cosmetic, revealing her military body glove. Kelly opened the case in which the ceramic-titanium plates were kept and mounted them on the suit, and placed upon her head the sealed helmet. Nearing the area which was legally recognized as a war zone, and where the pilot could simply fire one of his missiles and obliterate all surrounding to slag. Hurriedly, she clambered back into the cabin where autopilot was left to continue the course, and then returned to the main area and began to open the ventral hatch.

Air rushing away, the magnetic soles of the boots held her in place until she threw herself out into the vacuum, and into the fighter’s path. Surprised by the sudden latching of someone to his ship, he did nothing as she quickly made work of the entrance locks. Torn out by her grasp, he took flight and abruptly left, not of his own volition that is. Entering the cramped space that was the residence of strikecraft pilots, she launched a missile, the shuttle turning to a fireball, and pressed forwards to the planet, and as passing the shuttle, a piece of debris perforated the thinly armored fuel tank. The Doctor was unaware of this development, and pursued the course that would take her to the village below, disregarding proper procedures that would have taken precious time.

Entering the atmosphere, flames licked at all sides and only grew. Melting away the small layer keeping between the heat and the gaseous fuels inside, the craft exploded. Fragments rained as she managed hold of a large segment of wing, and used the boots to ride it down. Snow and ice were thrown about as the remains made landfall. Linn slowly stood,
"The Literal Worst Day Ever" September, 2015
If there was anything I had to say about today, well, it certainly was a wild ride. Holding all their fates in my hand now, it would be foolish to forget how I came to be here. If it were not for this darkest of secrets, I’m sure I’d’ve given anything to be back there, aboard my prestigious flagship, flaunting my title.

Before I go and take them with me, I might as well leave this here for the record. Assuming there is still a record for this to go in. It began at the head of the morn, Lieutenant Thire had awoken me, bearing grave news…

“Ma’am, the Novans are pressing for answers.”

“They always are,” mumbling slightly, I kept still on my bed, “can’t Kaez handle it?”

“Markus has requested an audience, with you.”

“Not the Board?”

“No, not the Board,” Prime Minister Korriman said, striding past Thire, who was leaving anyways. I stood, radiating resentment as I held a hard gaze on him.

“Well then, out with it.”

“I had high hopes for you and your people, Admiral.” Markus turned to look over the megacity below. The stunning orbital view afforded a great angle.

“Do you have something to say, or are you just going to complain about how the Board is still in power?”

Markus let out a long sigh as he took in the darkening Hexalan City. “The Strigiforme have returned.”

“You came directly to me... for aid?!”

“N-” Markus was interrupted as Thire burst in and shot him. As Markus cried out in pain, I turned to the Lieutenant.

“We need to get you in the CIC Ma’am.”

As I entered the large, circular room, I started down the gradual ramp leading to the center of the depression in the floor. At the center lay the holocaster linked to the DRADIS, around it several technicians were frantically activating it.

“Status report,” I asked to anyone listening.

“Multiple inbound fleets from all sides, currently verifying signatures,” an officer called out.

“Signatures confirmed, we’ve got Batii, Novan, NeoRoman, Strigiforme, and Nivanshaen.”

“Reports coming in, looks like Macai and the Feds are getting inbound too.”

“I want forces o-” I barely got out the next word as I was thrown to the ground. A deep groan emanated from the Heartwriter as the first wave of lances struck it. “Status!” I shouted as I quickly stood again, bracing in the event the next volley was already inbound.

“Shields at 20% and dropping, breaches on decks 2 and 3. Weapons are charging.”

I looked up to the DRADIS projection. Hostiles were closing, fast. There were too many, we’d be shredded even if we could orient the MACs in time.

“Full retreat, I’m calling Olympus Protocol.” A round of ayes sounded as the slipspace drive spooled. Before the second wave from the hostiles was upon us, the Heartwriter was safely in slipspace. “Sitrep, now.”

“The Federation’s fallen, Macai’s holding them off, barely, and we’ve lost contact with most of our orbital installations.”

“What’re our options then?”

“Just the highest level classifieds.” I nodded. Kaez, the Heartwriter’s AI, would randomly selected from the list per Olympus Protocol.


The massive craft shuddered and groaned as it exited slipspace, just a few thousand klicks out. Good, nothing but the station and us out here, I thought.

“FTL signatures detected! Hostile IFFs inbound!” An officer cried out as a massive force of Novan ships appeared before them, blocking the station.

The first hail of fire rained upon us, “Shields dropping rapidly, MAC control is offline.”

A small, orange-colored holohraphic Hexalani man appeared nearby me. “There is no time to retreat. I’ve prepped you a shuttle. Go,” Kaez said. I ran out of the CIC, nearly knocking over several hurried technicians, straight to the hangar.

“Ma’am,” a guard managed as he rushed me into the troop compartment with the rest of his team. The engines roared as the craft ascended, the noise of the hurried hangar left behind as we flew out through the atmosphere seals.

Through the small window, I looked out and saw my ship. It had accelerated onwards at the fleet, rapidly gaining speed. The vessel tore through their ships, a massive cloud of air and fire and metal spewing out from both the Heartwriter and their ships.

I felt the pull of artificial gravity as we, unseen, entered the station. The rear hatch door slammed into the floor as the team left to verify the safety of the station.

Quickly glancing out, the station’s interior was unlike other Hexalani designs in its high roofing. I wouldn’t be able to gather further insight without closer inspection, so I waited for the guards’ return.

They were taking an awfully long time. Assuming the worst, I drew my weapon and, quickly checking the rest of the hangar, headed off to the mysterious corridors.

As I drew close, the doors didn’t open automatically, a bad sign. Achieving a defensible position, I manually activated the door and peered inside. Despite the dim, bluish lighting, I managed to discern bodies - the guards’.

Noticing the splay pattern, I figured the assailant was armed with some automatic weapon and was somewhere across the room. I entered stealthily, hiding behind one of the many pieces of identical cover the room afforded. They were thin, cylindrical spires with larger, man-sized horizontal cylinders - that were actually more ovoid in shape - sprouting outwards from the centre.

Sneaking along the wall, I achieved line of sight on the killer. He appeared to be a laboratory worker of sorts, armed with a submachine gun. Regardless of his true alignment, the traitorous act he had performed was inexcusable. Dispatching my justice, I neutralized the hostile.

Clearing the room, I was intent on the large structures. At the far ends of each large cylinder was a control panel. They displayed various values, the meaning of which I knew not. Searching the interface, I found an “open” option. Curiosity getting the better of me, I watched as steam hissed from the sides. The foot of the cylinder slid outwards, revealing a thin sleeping mat, on which rested a Hexalani woman.

At first I believed it merely a cryopod, until I noticed her features - identical to mine - an easy feat despite the fact she seemed considerably younger. I quickly opened other cryopods, only to find more of them. It was only after the fifth I really looked at the labelling of the room. It was clone storage, bay C-8-2.

It wasn’t long afterwards I heard the unmistakable sound of a vessel, no, many, docking with the station. It was clear who it was, the only others who knew about this station had to be the Strigiforme outside.

Locating a facility map, I made way to the reactor controls. There, I began to disengage safeties and coolant flows, override fuel mixes and began to flood the reaction chambers. After making sure there was no way anyone was getting out of here, I performed a manual command override on the console. The burn from the sparks would serve as a reminder, that is, if I’d be staying around much longer, a status that won’t be changing.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:09 am
by notAnAlt
I don't really like the idea of a sergeant leading an entire brigade by himself lol

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:05 am
by Ivan2006
Are you even remotely familiar with Hexalani ranks tho?

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:15 am
by notAnAlt
I can't say I remember him ever posting them, and when a story says apple I think it's fair to presume they mean apple.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:05 pm
by Prototype
There are no apples here.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:05 pm
by Shadowcatbot
>Nivanshae fleets

I approve of these stories. Even if Hexelan is a horrible dystopia that makes me feel depressed. I aprovish.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:17 pm
by Error
I like how Markus decided to troll the Hexalani with a "So, you're fucked" meeting immediately beforehand.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:10 pm
by notAnAlt
Your writing has gotten a lot better since the beginning.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:43 pm
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
notAnAlt wrote:I can't say I remember him ever posting them, and when a story says apple I think it's fair to presume they mean apple.
When Hexalani say apple they usually mean whatever is the communist version of the opposite of apple.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:18 pm
by Vinyl
Archduke Daynel wrote:
notAnAlt wrote:I can't say I remember him ever posting them, and when a story says apple I think it's fair to presume they mean apple.
When Hexalani say apple they usually mean whatever is the communist version of the opposite of apple.
There are no apples in Hexalan. They were banned under the 2nd Jefotnan Gan Act in 2302.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:22 pm
by Prototype
Grorious honorabru chairman of Hexafugg has not invented the apple yet.

Re: Some Short/Abandoned/Misc Things I've Wroted

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:29 pm
by Vinyl
notAnAlt wrote:I don't really like the idea of a sergeant leading an entire brigade by himself lol
I was moer dum then than I am now

Also, 1k men is only a 10th of the standard unit, legions.