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Re: Road Trip!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:35 am
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
And I like how I'm included and therefore a relevant part of the community.

Re: Road Trip!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:27 am
by Error
@Mercury we've got six people in the Five-Man Band mate what do you want from me (plus writing your breathtakingly-cynical point of view is hard)

@Tiel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) care to join in

@Ivan The alternative was bunking with the proudly Russian ach.

@Dayn You've been relevant for years, mate.

Re: Road Trip!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:43 am
by Error
I actually cut this one rather short for a number of reasons... so it's mainly just to fill in the gap. For reference, the merry crew started off in Toronto, ON.

= = = =Part Two: Highway to Hell (Fuck the Good Intentions)= = = =

"We've only been on the road two hours." Fenway sounded distinctly unamused. "Could you not kill each other for at least the first leg of the trip?"

"He stole my rifle magazine." Vinyl complained. "I'll calm down when he gives it back and apologizes for defacing my property."

"Hardly defacing. He just wrote an accurate, descriptive sentence on it with chalk." Mark was trying - and failing - to suppress the amusement in her voice.

"He wrote 'Vin's a stuck-up * with a god complex' on it!"


"Now, children." Ach's growl floated up from the back. "Play nicely, before Uncle Ach starts cracking heads together."

"Here." Daynel tossed the mag back to Vinyl, who began rubbing the chalk off with a sleeve, looking disgruntled.

"Now that we return to our regularly scheduled program... Fen! You never did say, what's our first destination?"

"Sarnia, Ontario. Lovely little city with a lot of coastline and oil refineries." Fenway sounded, for all the world, like a tour guide. "Also known for extensive use of the word 'Bluewater'."

"In actuality: a shithole. A sizable one, too." Mark cut in, sounding amused. "We'd be better served by heading for Windsor, provided we stop there, and not Detroit."

"Too bad. We just passed the exit for Windsor, so shithole it is."

"Well, damn. But before I start ranting, how about we get the itinerary?"

Fenway sighed. "I'm making this up as I go. Can you just roll with it, please?"

"No." Vinyl's mood had, apparently, not improved. "Just give us a rough itinerary or something."

Fenway gae her his best put-upon look. Recieving no sympathy, he scowled. "Sarnia, then South into Michigan and/or Minnesota, southwest into the general area of Arizona, west to Vegas, L.A., and then North, ending in Vancouver."

"Was that so hard?" Ivan inquired, strolling in from the back with the hulking Russian in tow. "I mean, you only narrowed it down to a corridor about five hundred kilometers wide, but still."

"Fen's just grumpy he has to drive and navigate. Tried and failed to dragoon Vin into it earlier." Daynel commented, nodding towards the driver's seat.

"Huh. Considering we're still, what, a few hours out, anyone got a pack of cards?"

Daynel, Mark, and Ach all pulled packs of cards out, tossing them on the table. Slightly nonplussed, Ivan nodded at Vin. "Deal us in? I've got chips. Wallet out, everybody."

- * - * - * -

"All in." Vinyl accompanied her grand pronouncement with a shove of the remaining chips in her pile. Eyebrows raised all around, and Dayn scowled.

"Asshole." he muttered, tossing his hand down. Ach, ever the stoic, tapped the table in front of him.

"That was perhaps hasty, comrade. Call." he commented, adding his own chips to the pot. As various other piles were added, he nodded to Vinyl. "Do your worst, comrade."

The next five seconds were silent, save for the sound of cqrds hitting the table. Then Ach threw back his head and cackled.

"Ha! You have guts. But not enough, I'm afraid." he noted, displaying his own hand. Mark swore quietly, and Ivan just chuckled.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised the geriatric takes home the prize. Right, cough up."

Shuffling and grumbling accompanied the various bills and coins being tossed onto the table. Ach scooped them up, probably grinning under his beard.

"Right, now that the comrade has cleaned house, shall we all return to being grouchy?" Mark inquired sardonically. Vin just grunted, returning to the front seat. Daynel shrugged.

"She's just sore. Bad loser." he said in a stage whisper. Ivan rolled his eyes.

"Yes, please do antagonize the woman with at least two sidearms on her person." he stated, sarcasm dripping from the words.

"Please don't, it'd be a shame if someone died less than five minutes from our first stop." Fenway called.

"Fucking finally." Daynel muttered, swinging his feet down off the table and looking foward.
= = = = = = = =

Re: Road Trip!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:09 pm
by Error
Well, it's marginally better than my first attempt at drawing... mainly because this one's recognizably humanoid.

Sort of intended to be Valkyrie-chan, or more specifically, the -chan (-tan?) for the Valkyrie-X EWAR frigate.

Re: Road Trip!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:47 pm
by cats

E: Wrong spoiler

Re: Road Trip!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:53 pm
by Error
Danke, herr Mercury. Shall come in handy.