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Glorious Revolution

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:22 pm
by ACH0225
It is the dawn of a new era; an era of imperialism. The Empires of the World have begun to expand, both overseas and overland. Their dominions stretch far and wide, each seeking control.

This is an Empire RP; you play as a post-Middle Ages Imperialist Empire, circa 1600. You may claim an area of territory on the map posted no larger than the Strigiforme, who are in crimson.

No magics- sorry
No godmodding
No unreasonable travel times; there is no FTL, things take time to get places
No superweapons
Mechanical flight is not yet invented; gliders are fine, I guess.
Guns take ages to reload
Resources are scarce; farming is by hand/animal, and it's also pretty much feudalism
Try to keep things in time period

The application is as follows:

Empire Name:

History(as long term as possible);

Species description:

Basic government description:

Colour for map, flag if possible:

Your goal here is to rule the world, plain and simple. Do this however you like.

Empire Name: Strigiforme Empire

History: The Strigiforme rose to power in ancient times, creating several city states all around the Sea of Ossetia. The foremost among these, Cuuyth, began a long ampaign of conquest, taking over each city and gradually expanding. The Strigiforme have traditionally clashed with foreigners, and have also long held control of the Sea of Ossetia. In more modern times, the Strigiforme have begun expanding to foreign soil, taking several islands and making them into fortresses and resupply depots for their merchants and navies.

Species Description: 2-3 meters tall, capable of short flights(1-3 kilometers). Strong and long-lived, but frequently suffer from heart strain from their size, as well as a host of other, more mundane diseases.

Basic gov description: The Council, selected from those who endure the Trials, controls the affairs of the civilian government entirely, regulating taxes and trade. The Leader, selected from those who endure the Trials, acts as chief military planner, regulating and commanding the soldiery. Local governments regulate other affairs.

Colour for map, flag if possible: Crimson
Empire Name: Hexuthian Experium

History(as long term as possible): Formed of a near-religious cult of those with a firm belief in their leadership, to the point of worship to their supreme ruler, the Loa'ordo Fadmerailes. In this way, they have an extreme loyalty. The peoples are divided into two classes, warriors and scholars. Warriors are chosen at a young age, often from families with a warrior tradition, and are taught in the art of killing and the skill of tactics. They are provided the best equipment their counterparts, the scholars, can provide. The scholar population is far smaller to that of the warriors, 1 in 7 are scholars, and are raised the same as warriors, and are picked from their ranks for showing above-average talent of intelligence with an affinity for learning. The neophyte scholars are then inducted into their respected halls, but must first prove themselves by accomplishing a great feat. Those who succeed, are thrust further into the world of science and occult, while those who fail are at best made assistants and servants, and will be given another chance, but most others are returned to the numerous warriors, as there they will better serve The Cause.

The Experium has not existed as a state for long, but has existed since a time unknown as an orange-clad cult devoted to what they call The Cause. Only the most trusted of scholars are allowed to learn the truth of The Cause, while the lessers are told vehemently that The Cause is worthy of their devotion, and rightfully so. The scholars are surrounded by many a legend, with few answers, some claiming they had at their fingers the technology of the stars, while others may claim they are a bunch of lunatic nutcases spreading heretical lies. These are of few concern to those loyal to The Cause. Originally founded in what is now the Hexuthian Capital in a massive cathedral that was pure, gleaming pearl, they kept to themselves for many a year, until more recently they began actively recruiting new followers, which in their words, was so that The Cause may be spread and delivered upon the world.

Species description: While followers range and vary of race, the central cult of scholars are supposedly human creatures who have flesh of the purest white, and hair the darkest of blacks. Followers claim this is a representation that while The Cause may be of just intention, one must outweigh the results to the methods. Those who have been graced to meet a True scholar in person claim they are of an imposing height just over 2 meters.

Basic government description: The Loa'ordo Fadmerailes is chosen of the warrior champions, and is inducted as a scholar for their achievement. They are aided by a cabinet of True scholars, who guide their hand so as to best follow The Cause.

Colour for map, flag if possible: Orange.
Empire Name: Novan Imperium

History(as long term as possible); Formed as a military and political alliance between smaller groups in the Aryth region, the Imperium has since grown to encompass a number of islands and settlements there. Although mainly mercantile, they are certainly capable fighters, with a strong navy and ambphibious troops. They have only recently begun colonial expansions.

Species description: Although the Imperium welcomes all, the government has traditionally been elf-like beings termed Novans. Resembling humans, they are abnormally pale and almost all strikingly attractive; though weak physically, they have sharp minds and are all scholars to a degree.

Basic government description: Benevolent Oligarchy; the Imperial Council rules, but legitimately does what they think best for their people.

Colour for map, flag if possible: Vlue
Empire Name: Antioch Dominion

History(as long term as possible); The Antioch Dominion, as told in the holy Book of Ark, was borne of the stars. Fallen angels from the sky, now mere mortals upon this world. Their civilization began in Kalar, a small settlement on the center lake shore known as Antioch. It grew, using the vast mountain resources and abundant agriculture into a thriving nation. After past conflicts with the Strigiforme, and multiple pandemics resulting from outside contact, the Dominion has become extremely isolationist and secluded. Few are ever allowed past the massive, glorious port cities of Torus and Sigul. The Antioch Dominion is very knowledge-oriented, possessing a large library in every city. In Antioch, a massive complex known as Libraria holds all the combined knowledge of the entire civilization, hundreds of thousands of tomes and books of all kinds. But trading knowledge to outsiders is forbidden, under penalty of death.

Species description: The Dominion is, quite frankly, very xenophobic. Almost every citizen hails from a species known as "Homina," a bipedal species with relatively moderate statures, overdeveloped visual senses, and very deft, precise movements. Hominae tend to shy away from heavy physical labor, instead relying on complex mechanisms and machines (not industrial-level).

Basic government description: Quite simply a Constitutional Monarchy. The Monarch (referred to as the Hierarch) has mostly absolute power, except under the terms of the constitution. Under him is a republic that enforces the constitution and also drafts up written laws. They can also depose the Monarch early, if he proves overwhelmingly unpopular or incompetent.
Empire Name: The Orion Imperium

History: Descended from warlike northern dwellers, the Orion Imperium was formed over 100 years ago in the Trel region. The Imperial economy revolves around trade, fishing, and production of weapons. If you own a high-quality weapon, chances are that it was made in the Imperium. The Imperial society revolves around ability. You can rise through the class structure and fall in it. Each city has a large citadel, as the Imperial Creed states to always be ready for conflict. Msot citizens in the Imperium are fighting men. Imperial archers and light infantry are among the best in the world.

Species description: Humans with better eyesight and muscular structure.

Basic government description: A meritocracy ruled by a council of 5. All of these council members must have been involved in a job relating to the economy and must have served in the military.
Empire Name: The Britalic Empire

History: The Britalic Empire, or just Britallica, has long been known as an important center of culture on the continent of Maccol. Many great poets, artists and inventors have been Britalicans. The empire has always had great naval interests, and have trade routes all over the world. Because of this they are a mainly diplomatic nation, but their navy should not be underestimated. Britallica tries to maintain a positive relationship with other nations, but it is assumed that this will be subject to great change in coming times.

While some of the cities and larger towns of the empire are indeed very cultural and civilized, the nation also has a proud tradition of agriculture and farming. The mostly flat terrain allows for great farm areas and massive forests, leaving the nation with a wealth of resources.

Species description: The Empire accepts all intelligent races, but the greatest groups are humans and elves.

Basic government description: A monarchy with a king or queen who is connected to the people and listens to their needs. The Empire isn't a great follower of that whole incestous "royals-marry-only-royals" deal, since we in this day and age of knowledge can see that this only leads to mentally retarded monarchs.
The monarch does not have solitary power, with a council of people to aid in some matters.


Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:11 pm
by Vinyl
Empire Name: Hexuthian Experium

History(as long term as possible): Formed of a near-religious cult of those with a firm belief in their leadership, to the point of worship to their supreme ruler, the Loa'ordo Fadmerailes. In this way, they have an extreme loyalty. The peoples are divided into two classes, warriors and scholars. Warriors are chosen at a young age, often from families with a warrior tradition, and are taught in the art of killing and the skill of tactics. They are provided the best equipment their counterparts, the scholars, can provide. The scholar population is far smaller to that of the warriors, 1 in 7 are scholars, and are raised the same as warriors, and are picked from their ranks for showing above-average talent of intelligence with an affinity for learning. The neophyte scholars are then inducted into their respected halls, but must first prove themselves by accomplishing a great feat. Those who succeed, are thrust further into the world of science and occult, while those who fail are at best made assistants and servants, and will be given another chance, but most others are returned to the numerous warriors, as there they will better serve The Cause.

The Experium has not existed as a state for long, but has existed since a time unknown as an orange-clad cult devoted to what they call The Cause. Only the most trusted of scholars are allowed to learn the truth of The Cause, while the lessers are told vehemently that The Cause is worthy of their devotion, and rightfully so. The scholars are surrounded by many a legend, with few answers, some claiming they had at their fingers the technology of the stars, while others may claim they are a bunch of lunatic nutcases spreading heretical lies. These are of few concern to those loyal to The Cause. Originally founded in what is now the Hexuthian Capital in a massive cathedral that was pure, gleaming pearl, they kept to themselves for many a year, until more recently they began actively recruiting new followers, which in their words, was so that The Cause may be spread and delivered upon the world.

Species description: While followers range and vary of race, the central cult of scholars are supposedly human creatures who have flesh of the purest white, and hair the darkest of blacks. Followers claim this is a representation that while The Cause may be of just intention, one must outweigh the results to the methods. Those who have been graced to meet a True scholar in person claim they are of an imposing height just over 2 meters.

Basic government description: The Loa'ordo Fadmerailes is chosen of the warrior champions, and is inducted as a scholar for their achievement. They are aided by a cabinet of True scholars, who guide their hand so as to best follow The Cause.

Colour for map, flag if possible: Orange.

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:09 pm
by ACH0225

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:26 pm
by Error
Empire Name: Novan Imperium

History(as long term as possible); Formed as a military and political alliance between smaller groups in the Aryth region, the Imperium has since grown to encompass a number of islands and settlements there. Although mainly mercantile, they are certainly capable fighters, with a strong navy and ambphibious troops. They have only recently begun colonial expansions.

Species description: Although the Imperium welcomes all, the government has traditionally been elf-like beings termed Novans. Resembling humans, they are abnormally pale and almost all strikingly attractive; though weak physically, they have sharp minds and are all scholars to a degree.

Basic government description: Benevolent Oligarchy; the Imperial Council rules, but legitimately does what they think best for their people.

Colour for map, flag if possible:
EDIT: Flag.

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:33 pm
by ACH0225
FC Dutch accepted

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:53 pm
by Professor Fenway
Empire Name: Antioch Dominion

History(as long term as possible); The Antioch Dominion, as told in the holy Book of Ark, was borne of the stars. Fallen angels from the sky, now mere mortals upon this world. Their civilization began in Kalar, a small settlement on the center lake shore known as Antioch. It grew, using the vast mountain resources and abundant agriculture into a thriving nation. After past conflicts with the Strigiforme, and multiple pandemics resulting from outside contact, the Dominion has become extremely isolationist and secluded. Few are ever allowed past the massive, glorious port cities of Torus and Sigul. The Antioch Dominion is very knowledge-oriented, possessing a large library in every city. In Antioch, a massive complex known as Libraria holds all the combined knowledge of the entire civilization, hundreds of thousands of tomes and books of all kinds. But trading knowledge to outsiders is forbidden, under penalty of death.

Species description: The Dominion is, quite frankly, very xenophobic. Almost every citizen hails from a species known as "Homina," a bipedal species with relatively moderate statures, overdeveloped visual senses, and very deft, precise movements. Hominae tend to shy away from heavy physical labor, instead relying on complex mechanisms and machines (not industrial-level).

Basic government description: Quite simply a Constitutional Monarchy. The Monarch (referred to as the Hierarch) has mostly absolute power, except under the terms of the constitution. Under him is a republic that enforces the constitution and also drafts up written laws. They can also depose the Monarch early, if he proves overwhelmingly unpopular or incompetent.

Colour for map, flag if possible: Green, flag coming Soon(tm)

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:26 pm
by DeadlyMiddie
Empire Name: The Orion Imperium

History: Descended from warlike northern dwellers, the Orion Imperium was formed over 200 years ago in the Trel region. The Imperial economy revolves around trade, fishing, and production of weapons. If you own a high-quality weapon, chances are that it was made in the Imperium. The Imperial society revolves around self-improvement and ability. You can rise through the class structure and fall in it. Each city has a massive citadel, as the Imperial Creed states to always be ready for conflict. Every citizen in the Imperium is a trained fighting man or woman. Imperial archers and light infantry are the best in the world.

Species description: Humans with better eyesight and muscular structure.

Basic government description: A meritocracy ruled by a council of 5. All of these council members must have been involved in a job relating to the economy and must have served in the military.

Colour for map, flag if possible: Flag:

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:25 pm
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
Empire Name: The Britalic Empire

History: The Britalic Empire, or just Britallica, has long been known as an important center of culture on the continent of Maccol. Many great poets, artists and inventors have been Britalicans. The empire has always had great naval interests, and have trade routes all over the world. Because of this they are a mainly diplomatic nation, but their navy should not be underestimated. Britallica tries to maintain a positive relationship with other nations, but it is assumed that this will be subject to great change in coming times.

While the cities and larger towns of the empire are indeed very cultural and civilized, the nation also has a proud tradition of agriculture and farming. The mostly flat terrain allows for great farm areas and massive forests, leaving the nation with an abdundance of resources.

Species description: The Empire accepts all intelligent races, but the greatest groups are humans and elves.

Basic government description: A monarchy with a king or queen who is connected to the people and listens to their needs. The Empire isn't a great follower of that whole incestous "royals-marry-only-royals" deal, since we in this day and age of knowledge can see that this only leads to mentally retarded monarchs.
The monarch does not have solitary power of course, and have a council of people trusted by monarch and public alike to aid in all matters.


Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:38 pm
by ACH0225
Accepted, all. Please note, Middie and Fen are both experiencing major famines when this starts because they made their nations fuckhueg. They are also resource sparse in some areas.

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:59 pm
by Vinyl
ACH0225 wrote:Accepted, all. Please note, Middie and Fen are both experiencing major famines when this starts because they made their nations fuckhueg. They are also resource sparse in some areas.
Is grorious peoples republic of strigi also experiencing a famine, possibly on a less-critical scale?

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:17 pm
by ACH0225
Strig are at the bar of where maximum size should be, and are thusly meeting their needs more or less. Middie's is worse than Fen's

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:23 pm
by Vinyl
ACH0225 wrote:Strig are at the bar of where maximum size should be, and are thusly meeting their needs more or less. Middie's is worse than Fen's
They're barely bigger than Strig.

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:25 pm
by ACH0225
Vinyl wrote:
ACH0225 wrote:Strig are at the bar of where maximum size should be, and are thusly meeting their needs more or less. Middie's is worse than Fen's
They're barely bigger than Strig.
Strig, if you look carefully, is mostly water; the main region in Ossetia is mostly a thin strip of land surrounding the sea. Middie and Fen get it because they took most/all of a major landmass, which confers the advantage of no possible/few land borders.

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:38 pm
by Error
So by that logic Strig, Hexa, Novan, and Brital are all producing a bit more than the required food. Cools.

Re: Glorious Revolution

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:36 pm
by Professor Fenway
My nation is hardly bigger than yours, ACH, and i'll prove it.
I cut this directly from the map, using all territory of yours and mine and NOT including sea. For reference, you are RED and I am GREEN. To do the comparison, I will be cutting up our territory to do this.

This is (approximately) how I cut it.

And this is the direct comparison. Now it is not exact, but I guarantee that each comparison is very close. And if my territory is still bigger than in the comparisons, why, you have all that EXTRA landmass in the top right that didn't have anything to compare to! Buffer zone there.

So i'm doing just as well, if not better, than you due to extra food. I'd say just as well, given that I am mostly island.
