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Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:42 am
by ACH0225
Imma have to say that you haven't fully recovered. This takes up literally right Where We Left Off, and at that time the Orion hadn't recovered. You're definitely doing better, but still pretty ravaged.

The Strigiforme Empire has begun what has been described as one of the largest construction projects in galactic history in a star system with no inhabited planets, typically used by the military for maneuvers and training. It is unknown what is being built, though what little of the requisition lists have been leaked describes something massive.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:50 am
by Error
A cargo vessel has transferred a 52 exawatt experimental generator to the Solari.

Construction on the new battlecarriers is being accelerated, but to little effect.

//Internal - Meta knowledge only//
The Prowler Observer has been dispatched to sniff around the edges of Strigiforme territory for anything of note.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:56 am
by Solar112
With the note of the generators delivery occurring, the Solari are increasing the rate of building. Infrastructure rate has increased to .004% per hour.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:16 pm
by Vinyl
A domestic terrorist group was apprehended yesterday, details have not yet been released.

Should the Zuguthians accept, three Seventh Fleet battalions and an armored division have volunteered to deploy on Menya to assist in cultist eradolivation.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:25 pm
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
The Zuguthian Empire are grateful for the help offered by the Novan Commonwealth and the Hexalan Expanses. Their help will be rewarded, and memorials will be made once the planet has been reclaimed and rebuild. The rebuilding should not take long, as the cultists were very careful with preserving and enhancing the beauty of everything, and as such the cities and other infrastructure have remained mostly intact.
The one good thing that came out of the cultist rule of the planet was this aforementioned beauty, and work will be done to preserve this. Military activity will be kept at a minimum in the area around the system, and peace, information and education will be promoted on the planet. It is hoped that the planet will stand as an example of peace and knowledge for the galaxy, especially for the Tri-Faction Alliance between the Solari, the Novans and the Zuguthians.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:10 pm
by Vinyl
The heavy carrier HXESV 07-02000 Eidetic Slaughter at Morn will be arriving at Menya in a matter of hours as it must first return from NeoRome, along with many other ships, to back home where it will pick up the division, but afterwards it's smooth sailing. Upon the carrier's arrival, it will effectively be under Zuguthian command. We ask that you please keep it intact, as it'd be a shame to loose what is now a very valuable asset.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:30 pm
by ACH0225
Leader sat at one end of an excessively long table. At the other end sat a humanoid, dressed in a long robe like garb that most would describe as beautiful. Flanking Leader were 4 Ryytils, each keeping up a psionic shield to prevent unwanted influence.

"So, High Priest, you have come here for assistance? What makes you think we will help you?"

"We have watched from the shadows; your people have long fought those who would defile our world. The enemy of my enemy..."

"Yes, yes. We could aid you, but the beauty your people so crave would not be found in our aid; our weapons are not attractive, but effective. Would you accept this?"

"Effectiveness has a... beauty all its' own" Leader could tell this was a lie through his teeth, "And we are in a dire enough position to commit this sort of crime."

"Very well, but how will you retrieve your weapons? We, obviously, cannot simply land a freighter there."

"We can teach your... Ryytils to use a long range psionic teleport method. They may detect it, but a single shipment will aid us. We require weapons to take their ships out of the sky. We require weapons for our soldiers. We need ways to protect ourselves."

Leader narrowed his eyes. "Your request will be met. We will ship you enough weapons units of a model not traceable to us to equip 10,000 soldiers. We will send documents on how to be proper guerrillas. However, should you win; we will have some requests for you, and possibly some more aid in colonization and expansion..."

Leader signed a document, then slid it to the High Priest. The Priest signed it.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:38 pm
by Error
OOC, seeing a teleport try to pass a psi-jammer could be fun, but I assume they'll land in an unjammed area.


The cruiser Cavalier, with the 220 soldiers of A Coy. aboard, will arrive over Menya (carrying the psi-jammer) in several hours. Once there, it will follow Zuguthian military directives.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:42 pm
by ACH0225
Fortunately, the Strigiforme have crates of guns lying around, because they need them.

The infantry weapons have been sent, along with guidebooks for insurgency and guerrilla tactics. They have been successfully recovered by the Cultists. Heavier weapons and construction supplies will be sent shortly, followed by surface to space weapons, armoured vehicles, and possibly chemical or biological weapons.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:44 pm
by Solar112
Having detected a psionic energy surge, the Solar Stratocracy recalls it's frigates, and suggests all parties assaulting menya do the same.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:48 pm
by Vinyl
Today is the day the first Hexalan colonists will arrive in Andromeda. Also today, the majority of the fleets at NeoRome will be returning later today. How could today be any better for the Hexalani peoples?


The Lord of Admirals paced before the team of scientists. "That's unacceptable," he stopped and turned directly towards the lead, "I want all 18 fleets upgraded by the end of this year!"
"Sir, we simply don't have the capabilities for mass production of this kind of tech, hell, we barely have gotten working prototypes of those energy rifles. Reverse engineering, even with the specs straight from the source, without being able to perform any disassembly takes far too much time. It'd be easier to lose the one thing and replace it with one of our own then hold onto it. If you could spare us even a frigate, we could accelerate."
"Fine, take the Deadman's Requiem, it wasn't supposed to be there anyways."
"Thank you sir, you will not regret this."

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:51 pm
by Error
After the Solari report of psionic energy surges, the <unknown>-class vessel Apocrypha has been ordered to follow the cruiser to Menya.

The ambassador to the Zuguthians has arrived, and will, with their permission, set up a permanent embassy there to strengthen the ties etween the nations of the alliance.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:00 pm
by Solar112
The solari asks Zuguth if they can send in our long range Annihilation frigate. however Zuguth is warned that the planet will be heavily irradiated.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:03 pm
by ACH0225
The Strigiforme have sent in construction supplies. They will likely have some bunkers constructed in a week or less, maybe sooner if they find a deep cave network.

Re: Where we Left Off

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:04 pm
by Vinyl
Solar112 wrote:The solari asks Zuguth if they can send in our long range Annihilation frigate. however Zuguth is warned that the planet will be heavily irradiated.
Hexalan advises and offers the use of several of their MAC-equipped cruisers to bomb the planet. MAC blasts are very powerful, but will not irradiate as the Annihilators may, though declination of either or both is still an option.
EDIT: Also posed is an available commando unit, one of which is standard per fleet, from Seventh Fleet. They are trained and capable of breaching fortified installations with far more ease than standard infantry or vehicles. The offer stands until the carrier's departure.