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Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:42 am
by Professor Fenway
"I received no such distress call nor any hails. As such, the only assumption is that you have disobeyed direct orders to come here." Belavrius sighed. The Restitution paused in space, hovering beside them, the guns trained on both targets. "You have also rendezvoused with an unknown vessel without any prior warning." He turned to the sensor operator, temporarily disabling the comm channel. "I want detailed scans on both of the vessels."

He turned back to the communication console and reactivated the channel. "Old alliances don't matter anymore, and we won't survive unless we stay together. As ONE, COHESIVE, UNIT." He ignored the new communication from the Slipknot, intent on Valkyrius for the moment.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:47 am
by Error
Valkyrius shut off the channel and ground his teeth. Bloody idiot. "Shields to full power. Put us between the Restitution and the Slipknot."

The ship shifted forward, parking itself between the two vessels.

Valkyrius opened the link again. "Lancaster. Two things: one, I only care about the survival of those civilian vessels back there, and your chain of command means frak-all to me. Well done endangering them with your sudden departure, by the way. Two, standby to recieve a copy of the distress call."

The comms officer relayed said distress signal, and Repulse rotated edge-on to the Restitution.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:56 am
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
One of the communications officers ran up to Chernov.
"Sir, the Repulse and the Restitution have both warped out of the system, and we can't get any contact with them. What should we do?"
Chernov thought for a moment.
"If they don't return soon, make preparations to send a small, civilian ship to scout the surface. If it's safe, we'll land."
"And if it's not safe? Those small civilian ships aren't well-protected, you know."
"It's safer to send one person in a quick vessel than it is to try and land the whole ship. But try to find one that at least has a decent shield generator."
"What if the owners of the craft don't agree with you?"
"Send Smith to ask them for permission, she's very persuasive. And besides, I'm sure both the Restitution and the Repulse will return any minute."

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:03 pm
by Professor Fenway
Belavrius opened his mouth to respond, quite angrily, when the sensor operator interrupted him. "Sir, warning beacons 5567 through 5592 have just gone dark. No warning beacons remain operational." Belavrius turned around, his look of anger turning into one of fear, then turned back to the console.

"N-never mind. Valkyrius, just get this ship operational as quickly as you are able. Get back to the fleet and we'll sort this out later. The beacons..." Belavrius shut off the channel. The Restitution turned around and jumped out without another word.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:07 pm
by Error
Valkyrius raised an eyebrow. Stuttering?

"Get that ship operational. If you can't get it working within ten minutes, we'll dock and jump us both there with our own drives. Bring weapons online, and go to combat alert."

The two shuttles approached, requesting permission to dock with the Combine ship.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:47 pm
by Solar112
"Uh Sregor... there's a string of extremely bright E Type asteroids coming from where the Restitution, and the Repulse were-"

Sregor's brother pointed the the scanner's display, which showed a string of asteroids, which disappeared next time the scanner's display updated

"It's most likely an FTL jump. I haven't programmed it in yet"

"Hail the Kyyt and see if there's anything wrong, if there is make preparations to make a hole big enough for the group to hide in, and go dark."

"If not?"

"Keep mine a few more tonnes of ice, then look for an M Type asteroid"

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:13 pm
by DeadlyMiddie
Being a Border Police vessel, the Intrepid had exceptional Electronic Warfare equipment. As a result, Vladius had picked up the Slipknot's call. He had also listened to the exchange between Valkyrius and Belvarius. His face went white when he heard about the buoys. He opened system-wide fleet comms, "This is Captain Brinxton of the Intrepid. Our remaining warning buoys have gone dark. Prepare for possible departure." He then opened communications with the Restitution, which had just jumped in. "I request orders, Admiral Lancaster."

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:17 pm
by Prototype
>_Beacons offline
>_Repeat: Beacons offline

>_Level 12 emergency
>_Connecting to ARK-1 Emergency council


>_ARK-1 offline
>_Activate Gradius protocol?

Eskas promptly punched a negative command in, Gradius couldn't help them here.

"Get everyone back to the fleet, now!"

"Yes sir, warp drive is charged, co-ordinates relayed to other vessels. Level 12 emergency protocols are now online, all systems are operating at maximum level"

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:27 pm
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
Upon hearing the cross-fleet message, Chernov's face went pale.
"Get us out of the atmosphere and prepare for jump immediately" he shouted to everyone in the bridge.
"But what about the civilian ship we prepared? We have to secure it or we won't hear the end of it from the owners" one of the navigators said.
"There's no time, just have someone activate the shields and hope that we don't get any turbulence."
"Yes, Sir"
Chernov then ran over to the comm station.
"This is professor Dvinovsky of the Angel of Eden to all ships in the landing team. If you haven't already reacted to the message then leave the planet's atmosphere and prepare your FTL drives."

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:35 pm
by Tell
OOC: Sorry guys, I have school. I'll write up my posts soon.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:39 pm
by Error
Valkyrius drummed his fingers on the command seat's armrest.

"Frak. Move us in, dock to that ship, and get us the hell back to the fleet. Shuttles, return and dock up."

The shio moved forwards, landing gear extending. Hovering above the Slipknot, the landing struts magnetized with a clang.

"Target docked, jumping in five." reported the helm officer.

Space bent and shifted, and the two ships jumped back to the fleet.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:31 pm
by Vinyl
Rau rushed to the bridge, where the only other two personnel already were.
"Gimme a sitrep Kern," Fali, or Kern as Rau had taken to calling him, didn't look up as he continued inputting various command strings into the console, but did manage a quick reply between muttering codes to himself, although it wasn't all that clear or loud, it sounded enough like an aye.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:51 pm
by Solar112
"MOVE!" yelled sregor at his brother. "Set the FTL at 125% overdrive."
Sregors finger-tentacles moved at a rapid pace across the keyboard typing in coordinates. After the Coordinates were typed in, and a small dot appeared on the HUD. Sregor maneuvered the ship towards the dot and initiated an FTL jump. Sregor set up an alarm, and the lights turned to a deep crimson.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:19 pm
by Professor Fenway
The Restitution dropped out of FTL just over Haven's Gate. As planned, it dropped a probe over the Godspeed's landing zone before initiating a second FTL jump at the fleet rendezvous location. As soon as it dropped out of FTL the second time, the weapons console lit up with warnings and a deep crimson light began pulsing on the bridge. Belavrius looked at the sensor console in fear. Multiple unknown contacts approaching from the second gas giant very quickly. Belavrius repeatedly hailed them. Every one was refused. Sensors indicated weapon charges and missile locks. Belavrius pushed off from the console and turned towards the helmsman. "I want an FTL jump out of here NOW!" he nearly screamed. The helmsman stood up and looked directly at him, with a steely glint in his eyes.

"No," he said, calmly.

"You are refusing a direct order!" Belavrius pushed the helmsman aside violently and initiated the FTL charge procedures before another officer punched him, knocking him to the floor. He looked up, shocked, to see the helmsman standing over him. In his hands was an ancient gunpowder weapon, cocked. The helmsman leveled it at Belavrius' head.

"You are relieved from duty." A shot rang out through the ship.

-=Priority 1 Fleet Broadcast=-
This is Hgalvan of the N.R.S Restitution. I am assuming direct control. All ships are to IMMEDIATELY initiate an FTL jump to the nearest Novan colony, overcharge FTL drives if needed. Multiple unidentified contacts are incoming. The Restitution will fend them off; we will follow when every ship has jumped.

The Restitution turned and sped off from the rendezvous point, just as the last few remaining ships arrived, on an intercept trajectory with the enemy. The fusion coil splicers of the ship glowed a brilliant blue, overcharged and prepared for extensive combat.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:25 pm
by Chairman_Tiel
What is it with NeoRomans and mutinying?