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Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:14 pm
by DeadlyMiddie
OOC: Iv, here's the correct application.
Empire Name: The Orion Confederation

New Leader: Chancellor George Anderson

Government Type: Modified Direct Democracy

Sector: (Which of the four sectors you are in- 1 is upper right, 2 upper left, 3 lower left, 4 lower right) 3

Capital: Cyrania III

Currency: (Include conversion to Galactic Credit) Octio- 1 Octio=2 GC

Strength Index (Adds up to 240 or less)

Economy: 50

Civilian: 60

Political: 28

Military: 100

Size: 2

The Orion Confederation was formed when the globalization of its home planet occurred. When space travel was made practical, a colonization spree followed. Now, the Confederation is a slightly xenophobic nation that wants to remedy its lack of planets with more annexations. The Confederation is also highly concerned about security, so border incursions, terrorists, smuggling, and the like are taken seriously. A recent election has also taken place, ending the former Chancellor Hans Bauer's 20 year term as leader of the Confederation. Chancellor George Anderson now leads. Time will tell if he will go down in history as a great leader, or a despot.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:41 pm
by Iv121
When first submitting an app you can only have up to 100 points in each skill.

@Miraak I will do it next cycle

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:47 pm
by DeadlyMiddie
It's been edited.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:02 pm
by Crash Override
Current Actions: Research labs are now focusing on better solar photovoltaic cells and better energy storage.

The investments in military are doing good,with the fast construction of the cheap Blade frigates to serve as a patrol and system defense measure.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:50 pm
by DeadlyMiddie
Anderson: *Hears a knock* Come in.
*Mr. Webb, the economic advisor, walks in*
Anderson: Ah, Mr. Webb. Have a seat and tell me what you've got.
Webb: My people across the street have made a few models. We've concluded from these that it would greatly benefit our economy to open trade with the EE.
Anderson: Have you checked with the Assembly?
Webb: Yes sir. They voted 70% to 30% in favor of it. I just need the final go-ahead from you.
Anderson: All right, go ahead and ask them.

All fleet refits are complete, and the fleets are at Alert Level 3 , meaning they have pickets set, but the relative majority are docked. The 3 fleets on Alert Level 7 are the 1st Fleet, in Cyrania, the Home Fleet, in Cyrania, and the 3rd Fleet, in Anstrilia.

R&D: Suitable technology has been developed to build a replacement for the Victory. The blueprints are being kept at a very secure location until they are needed.

The Orion Confederation would like to open trade and foreign business/investment to the EE. We feel that it would benefit both of our economies. The security for the trade lanes would be 50-50, if you accept.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:38 pm
by Alduin
Croatoan Empire begins research on more sophisticated weaponry, mainly ground infantry armor and rifles
>>/Message to Obsidian Syndicate/>>
We would like to open up "Trade" Routes from Croatoan Empire to your territory. There would be designated "Trade planets", especially for us, seeing as most of our populace is Xenophobic, mostly. We hope this will grow both our economies and soften up our country's barrier to other species. don't worry, if this is accepted there will be guards.
>>/Message End/>>

Emperor Tiber: I hope this works, we need more trade

Advisor Lorkhan: dont worry, we already have softened up our trade planets alot with those comedy shows, i think it will work

Emperor Tiber: I hope your right...

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:57 pm
by Jack Root
>>Message To Croatoan Empire<<
We accept your offer. Trading convoys are on route to your Trade Planets.
Thank you and have a nice day.
>>Message End<<

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:33 am
by Professor Fenway
The NeoRoman Empire had not been seen or heard from for weeks. Trade simply stopped. Communications stopped. The fleets disappeared off the sensors completely.

No trade ships entering the empire came back. After loosing another shipment, the Strigiforme finally took a small battlegroup to Antioch to investigate.

They emerged in a graveyard. Thousands of ships lay derelict in space, all with varying degrees of damage. There were no signs of life aboard any of them. Among them was the Aurora III, which was reasonably intact, but there was no activity. Not even of Zeroth. The weapon burns on the ships indicated that they were killed with NeoRoman weapons. Friendly fire.

They moved onto the planet itself. From orbit, it was a wreck. Massive fires were burning on all continents. Huge craters were present where once facilities existed. Radioactivity levels were massive. On the intact cities, a firefight was evident. There was damage and abandoned vehicles and armor everywhere. No signs of life were detected,.

The main shipyard drifted by. Again, it was just as everything else. Friendly fire, no life, severe damage. But it was different. It was broadcasting a weak, Priority 1 Emergency Signal. The fleet began listening into it.

"This is Arcturus Alas of the NeoRoman Biological Weapons division," it said, intermittently filled with static. "An unknown, foreign bio-contaminant is present *static* came from the jungle planet *static* sector 4 *static*. Appears to alter minds and drive them *static* all military ships affected *static* being spread to all NeoRoman worlds *static* Class X Quarantine in progress *static* we can't stop it *static* signal jamming *static* too late *static* AI's affected *static* get out while you can." The message stopped here and looped, apparently meant as a warning. It didn't matter.

The fleet packed up and jumped out, leaving the toxic ruins of NeoRome behind. The massive empire was destroyed overnight by a hyper-virus from an uncharted jungle world.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:46 am
by Error
Unit 340 wrote:The massive empire was destroyed overnight by a hyper-virus from an uncharted jungle world.
Classiest way to self-destruct an empire EVER.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:42 pm
by Iv121
Does that mean you quit the RP ?

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:45 pm
by Alduin
i think it does.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:48 pm
by Iv121
No I mean like a GM ...

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:02 pm
by ACH0225
Not the Virus again...

Due to concerns over the new Virus, the Strigiforme have closed their borders to immigration and emigration, and have increased defensive facilities and funded new disease research groups.

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:13 pm
by Vinyl
All Hexalan borders remain closed (they were never really open to begin with), and two extra fleets are dispatched to patrol the borders and enforce a zero-tolerance policy on prospective immigrants as well as anyone else who has not been given the ability explicitly by a certified agent.

Production of two extra fleets by 5 different worlds is underway to speed the production up a good bit.

Standard Fleet Composition:
1x Heresy-Class Dreadnought
2x Spishu-Class Combat Carrier
10x Onesty-Class Cruisers
6x Halifax-Class Heavy Cruisers
16x Hurigok-Class Destroyers
20x Falchion-Class Frigates
40x Petra-Class Corvettes
20x Wings of 10 Hoplite-Class Multi-role fighters
10x Wings of 5 Incessant-Class Bombers
0.5 Space Battalion (500 Marines)

Re: Fenway's Empire RP

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:17 pm
by Error
The CoS, having the technology and medical personnel to develop a treatment (note: not cure) offer to distribute it to any and all races that want the formula.

Adaptible to almost any race- the only exception is cyborgs with non-organic implants.