Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

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Professor Fenway
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Professor Fenway » Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:15 am

Actually, yes Daynel. Anything foreign and sufficiently large entering the atmosphere is disintegrated by networks of simple (and cheap) laser systems mounted on satellites and ground installations. Anything that cannot be disintegrated and survives reentry is investigated by the local military detachment. There are also nuclear missile silos outside every major city, in the event that something very large comes that cannot be shot down, stopped by the city shield system, and is on a crash course.

We learned from Antioch. It won't happen again.

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Ivan2006 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:34 am

@Fenway If you had read what Vinyl wrote, they are not going into the atmosphere in the first place, they're just going by.
Tiel wrote:hey now no need to be rough
Daynel wrote: you can talk gay and furry to me any time
CMA wrote:And I can't fuck myself, my ass is currently occupied

Professor Fenway
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Professor Fenway » Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:32 pm

Still tracked, in case it does enter atmosphere, but in this case, then, not shot down.

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Vinyl » Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:15 pm

DeadlyMiddie wrote:OOC: Vinyl, please describe your definition of "supership." You have 20.
- 16km length.
- 10km width.
- 700 Tachyon-Subspace missiles (enlarged).
- Triple titan-sized hangars.
- Hardlight projection shields (Instead of dissipating energy-based attacks, absorbs the energy making the shield stronger. Other attacks are (usually) rendered inert by (attempting to) applying equivalent force).
- Wormhole defensive shields that can send kinetic attacks back into the enemy.
- Thousands of railguns, lasers, flak, etc.
- 20 MAC cannons (T/S tipped).
- 50 Phoenix Cannons.
- Wormhole Cannon capable of mass destruction.
- Quad subspace collectors (power generators that tap into the unlimited subspace energy, output only being limited by safety. Thusly, they are designed to handle just under twice the amount required to power all systems simultaneously).
cats wrote:I literally cannot be wrong about this fictional universe

Crash Override
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Crash Override » Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:43 pm

Darkstar is massing resources,almost like its preparing for a long siege.

Ship production is being focused,and general update of Military technology is being invested on.

3 new Ship schematics are being researched for the next months.
" We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge, and you call us criminals.We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religous bias... and you call us criminals.You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the
criminals.Yes, I am a crimial. My crime is that of curiosity."


Archduke Daynel, PhD
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Archduke Daynel, PhD » Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:23 pm

--[Public broadcast]--
People of the Milky Way galaxy, this is Empress Setinara of the Hexaguthian Empire. You all already know that you are currently under conquest by the Hexaguthian military forces. It could also seem as though we want to lay waste to the galaxy, but this is far from the truth.
It is clear that the factions in the Milky Way cannot coexist in peace. All we want is to make the Novan Commonwealth, the AUF, the MR, all the factions of the galaxy mostly self-governed provinces of the Empire. You would get all resources you need, you would be safe from crime and war, your people would live safe, healthy and rich lives, there would be no more poverty or hardships. All this and more would be yours if you would just join us instead of fighting this pointless war that would lead to your independence being disregarded when you lose.

I agree wholeheartedly that Hexalan started this whole thing a bit too roughly. But we are still ironing out the rougher edges of the Hexaguthian cooperation, and the Hexalan part will see consequences, I assure you. But please, I beg of you, end this pointless battle, surrender, think of your citizens. There is still time to make the good choice.


The Lord Admiral squinted.

"What exactly do you mean by 'consequences'?"

Setinara avoided her stare.

"You must agree that the Hexalan methods and strategies are a bit... violent."

"Don't tell me you're going soft, Setinara. Who was that authorized a complex of fully sentient and self-aware clones just for observing the effects of diseases and chemicals? Who was it that initiated the research for altering of ideals and memories? And the countless of other immoral and unethical projects under the dead surface of that research planet, all under your authorization?"

The Empress met her stare now, looked the Lord Admiral right in the eye.

"That was different. That was for the progress of manki- I mean society. This is war, slaughter. Couldn't we at least have started with negotiations?"

The Lord Admiral sighed.

"This is not the time to discuss ideologies. What has been done, has been done. Now please, the war won't manage itself."

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Error » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:01 pm

-Message to ::Hexaguthian Empire::-

Setinara -I think I speak for the entirety of the Milky Way, Andromeda, NGC 1300, Phoenix, and Triangulum galaxies when I say:

Get fucked.

-Prime Minister Markus MacKenzie Korriman
-Message End-

The Commonwealth has been placed on a war footing; recruitment, production, research, and defenses are all being ramped up significantly. Forge Worlds Aquaria and Kharak are proving their worth, producing a considerably surplus of ammunition, weapons, materials, and even fighyers and bombers; they are easily keeping up with demand for ships.

The Strigiforme and MR have been contacted, with the offer of refitted Vindicator-class Bombers in exchange for direct support against the Hexaguthians.

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Ivan2006 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:10 pm

The MR does not accept the offer of Novus as of now, as the government is currently in heated debate regarding whether the MR should actually join the HGE.
Tiel wrote:hey now no need to be rough
Daynel wrote: you can talk gay and furry to me any time
CMA wrote:And I can't fuck myself, my ass is currently occupied

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Luna » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:33 pm

[Message to MR]> Evacuation fleet (The entire Laurthian population and Military)
We strongly encourage that you accept this offer with Novus, everyone is riled up by the fact that we have been evacuated from our home planet and are looking to pick a fight. We also think that should you accept the offer you should work a few more benefits out of them. We think our avatar ships are more than capable of making themselves a threat to Hexaguth. We have also just completed the last two Scourge Class super carriers, backed by Novus we predict that we will make a fearful opposition, your job is to smash the shields of the superships and we'll clean up the subcapital craft. Please consider.
[End Message]

[meta] 2 Scourge Class supercarriers have been completed. They had to be finished on the go. Plans for a massive avatar ship are being considered. More research into electronic warfare and hacking is being done.[/meta]
"The Sky is the Limit"
Commander Error wrote:"Titan" - Moves slightly quicker than a glacier, on a good day.
Prototype wrote:F-14s are just gay Tornados.
Catsonmeth wrote:Which meant every two weeks, Tuesday night was reserved for mainlining coffee and getting sensual with a keyboard

Fleet Admiral
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Vinyl » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:56 pm

60% of the Zuguthian area has been seeded. 80% in the Expanses.

[meta +NR]The defensive forces are currently throwing absolutely everything they have at the NeoRomans, meaning that the only reinforcements the invasion force will be receiving is what can be made on-site.[/meta]
cats wrote:I literally cannot be wrong about this fictional universe

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Saravanth » Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:11 pm


"When I get a hold of a Boeing 777 I will stuff it in the cargo bay my freighter and when I find you I will engage in an invasion of your butt that will make 9/11 look like a picnic, Hexalani swine." -Kobialka, 0531015.M3
"Hyperlite, you *." -Tau, 0446015.M3

Don't tell anybody, but to this day I have a faint hope for Futurecraft, or something similar to it, to happen. Within my lifetime.

Professor Fenway
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Professor Fenway » Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:15 pm

OOC: keep in mind the entrance is protected by a massive, practically invulnerable shield, and the portal is 1.) huge and 2.) cannot be shut down until the Pillar of Victory is built around it, so it's a 24/7 link to NR. It cannot be shut down even if the gate on the other end is destroyed.


[Meta+Hexaguthians] A large attack force has exited the shield (NR has tech that allows ships to phase through the shield, no weapons fire though except HUGE projectiles with the requisite tech) and has begun an assault on a neighboring system, which prior probing has determined to be a major shipyard. They have appeared in orbit just over the planet, dropped multiple Singularity-Implosion bombs, and are now engaging orbital units in an extremely fierce battle.

Vice Admiral
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by ACH0225 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:41 pm

The Strigiforme, having ascertained the nature of the seeded planets due to the discovery of an underdeveloped one, have begun using the Ringworld's planet-destruction ability to purge the known heavily seeded worlds, and several fleets are being deployed to areas with underdeveloped seeds to purge them through combined space-ground arms, with the highly capable Strigiforme Marines being deployed en masse.

The Triangulum-SDI battle group has arrived at Menya. Bolstered by Strigiforme super shielding, they have begun to attack the enemy with Improved Yttrium Charges, suffering heavy losses but dealing some damage. Fire support from the Barrage Cannons has proven effective, and a Ringworld shot is being targeted on the largest formation.
fr0stbyte124 wrote:5 months from now, I will publish a paper on an efficient method for rendering millions of owls to a screen.
mfw brony images

Fleet Admiral
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Vinyl » Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:53 pm

OOC: ACH, while you have a good chance on the less developed planets, recognizing the threat, they will prioritize military production and expansion. Basically, you'll face more warriors that get better faster. Plus, the more you fight them, the better they'll get at fighting you. And, as all of the droids are linked, their anti-owl tactics will be developed even faster. Oh, and realizing the ultimate threat of planetary destruction, the comparatively leisurely pace development was at is being accelerated, with expansion becoming a heightened priority on worlds not being invaded. But ACH, do know, that there are virtually no planetary bodies that cannot be seeded.

So fight as fast and as broad and as hard as you can.
cats wrote:I literally cannot be wrong about this fictional universe

Vice Admiral
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by ACH0225 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:33 pm

The Strigiforme can incinerate any planet whenever they want. The Strigiforme also have the widest variety of weapons, and will simply orbitally bombard a world if needed. With their wide navy, they can suppress most seeded planets near their borders, which is where they would be mostly deployed. You see, while you have WLM, a minor but distant galaxy, the Strigiforme have vast portions of Triangulum, the third largest. The supplies and manufactures from there enable the Strigiforme to keep up with your pace of production, for a time, at least in small ship tonnage.
fr0stbyte124 wrote:5 months from now, I will publish a paper on an efficient method for rendering millions of owls to a screen.
mfw brony images

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