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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:23 pm
by Vinyl
@CVN hulltight
The NeoRoman fleet, arriving in WLM, was instantly met with a barrage of hundreds of thousands of ships, tens of super ships and several ministations as well as a couple of the nonmini ministations.

Message to NR forced: Welcome to the party *.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:31 pm
by Professor Fenway
They haven't jumped yet.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:02 pm
by Vinyl
Well, keep that in mind for when they do jump then.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:43 pm
by Ivan2006
The MR has withdrawn its presence in former Zuguthian territory and transferred control of that area to Hexaguth.
This is justified with it technically still being Zuguthian space and the ZE having a more valid claim on it than the MR.
However, it is evident that in reality this is an attempt to not get drawn into the issue of the ZE invasion of the Milky Way right away.

OOC: @Lightspeed gonna update you on what happened via PM.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:54 pm
by Vinyl
The Empire acknowledges the MR's sacrifice.

With Primaris struck by an unknown projectile, additional aide is being sent before the waypoint is compromised. The aide is in the form of 2 ministations, 5 superships, and 20 fleets. (See: Running Count of Empire Forces.)

Those planets by the Expanses which were seeded of their new robotic inhabitants have, for the most part, slaughtered their contesting inhabitants and have launched seeds of their own to neighboring planets and systems. ((They're basically fancy Von Neumann machines.))

T.O. Bright wrote:OOC: Fast helmsmen? Check. Fast ships? Check. Tac-Jump skills? Check.
For your sake, I hope you can keep that up.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:19 pm
by Professor Fenway
The singularity projectile has begun collapsing Primaris from the inside. Massive buckles have appeared in the surface.


The gate's charging sequence completed, synchronized perfectly with two other similar gates across the Hierarchy. They were used to assault extremely fortified positions in ARK-controlled galaxies. For this operation, WLM was the target. The entire (very considerable military) had been pulled back from their operations, apart from a few tightly-controlled garrisons. Several M-ARK Stations hovered next to the gate, massive battle-stations designed for prolonged engagements. Over a hundred thousand ships in all, 50 of them Leviathan-class ARK killers. They would need every one, considering how entrenched WLM was. The gates could not be shut off once activated except with what was called the 'Pillar of Victory', a massive station built on the gate's exit point. Until it was shut off, there was a direct path from WLM to NGC 1300. Dangerous.

Energy arced between the gates and the portals turned bright blue, swirling inside. The thousands upon thousands of ships moved and flooded through the gates, instantly encountering the massive enemy resistance and entrenchment. The M-ARK stations entered, projected their near-impenetrable shield at the end, and the invasion began.

OOC: M-ARK stations are Jupiter-sized NR installations, designed to move through the gate and stay there and protect it. There are only 3. They cannot move on their own. They are extremely, extremely tough when projecting the shield, and tough regardless.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:10 pm
by Luna
Laruth states that they have no intention of fighting. Depending on what you ask for we will give it to you. So long as it isn't deeply important to us I.E. our advanced A.I. you should be looking peachy keen.

[Message to MR]>Laruth
Our hands and hoofs are tied to you, we await a recommended course of action.
[End Message}

[meta] Scourges are nearing completion. Many hundereds more avatar ships are ready for combat.[extra meta] Laruth is looking into developing computer viruses and various hacking systems. Given levels of various factions technology the only one not susceptible to hacking and viral attacks is the AUF[/extra meta][/meta]

OOC: My actions are kinda tied to the MR.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:18 pm
by Vinyl
OOC: Unless you're NeoRome or the Strigi, we won't be asking for your tech.

2 of the fleets that just arrived are now en route to Laruth.

>Message to Laruthians
Should you attempt to interfere with the detachment underway in any way, there will be no mercy.

With Primaris effectively lost, the 2 ministations, 3 superships and 15 fleets are moving to Menya ((that NR fleet better pepper their angus)).
The remaining 5 fleets and 2 superships are seeding planets in a similar radiating fashion, continuing the growing disk.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:21 pm
by Error
The Commonwealth has advised the Menyans "cause utter bloody mayhem" on the Hexalani vessels with their psi- and conventional weapons.

The prowlers have all gone hot, firing their fusion lances and T/S warheads freely and cloaking to evade detection, then hitting again.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:30 pm
by Ivan2006
//encrypted message to Laruth//
Considering what we have observed, we highly suggest you evacuate the worlds these Hexaguthian dispatchments are heading for and don't try to fight them. We are in no condition to do so as of now.
Plans are being made.
//end of message//

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:32 pm
by Vinyl
== Milky Way ==

-- Menya --
A few of the smaller ships have fallen, but almost entirely from stray NeoRoman fire, very few falling victim to Novan assailants.

The fleets arriving first, they began engaging Novan targets instead of NR ships. A whole fleet, coming out on the opposite side of the planet, has managed to launch a hail of seeds onto the planet. Shortly afterwards, the superships arrived. The lot of them focused their collective fire on Jahgrin's vessel. Ministations will be along within the hour.

-- Laruthian Space --
The detachment has arrived and has begun to seed planets. The sequence is ordered going from the north to the south.

== WLM ==

With the invasion of NeoRoman forces, production of combat vessels has resumed.
- 3 superships in a couple days
- 8 fleets in a day
- 1 full station in a few weeks
- 1 ministation in week

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:37 pm
by Error
[Meta - Novus, NeoRome, &Strigi] The Novans, now being pushed almost to the limit of their defenses and maneuverability, advise the planet be moved to another system and the system sterilized totally from afar. They are willing to provide the necessary Planetary Jump Drive.[/meta]

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:47 pm
by Luna
OOC: Seeding planets? I'm gonna assume that meads we need to get our asses off the planet.

BIC: Mass evacuation is being ordered on Kaylayly and neighboring military outpost planets. Upon settlement of a new systems all lost objects will be refunded. We apologies in advance if you can't take any thing with sentimental value. All star ports will be waiting for refugees. Any and all who stay will be killed. We do not allow any form of immigration or emigration.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:49 pm
by Vinyl
OOC: Letting me seed a planet only makes it that much harder to reclaim, and the longer you let them develop it becomes even harder. Just an FYI.

Oh, and if that planetary FTL drive requires it to be anywhere near orbit or the surface, sorry to say you're going to have a rough time m8.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:52 pm
by Error
It can be landed on the surface via another jump drive.

Re: jump to surface, land bigger drive, jump planet, start nuking seeds.