Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Vinyl » Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:54 am

The moment the NeoRomans, once held in an envious esteem, had entered the system the collective ships had been preparing their firing solutions. A torrent of metal and heat flew into the superior but outnumbered fleet. Secondary weapons on the supership fired as they prepared to abandon the primary's current target for one that would take relatively less time.

The trio of dreadnoughts brought to bear their ferocious power, focusing fire on a single target, the same one as will be that of the wormhole cannon and the very same one L. Jahgrin stood in.

As the spectacle unfurled, the two groups made move towards the stations they so patiently waited before. Also moving towards those stations was several time the amount of firepower required to reduce them to slag.
cats wrote:I literally cannot be wrong about this fictional universe

Archduke Daynel, PhD
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Archduke Daynel, PhD » Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:24 am

In the command center of the Imperial Palace on Zuguth, Empress Setinara and the Hexalan Lord Admiral were sharing a bottle of real champagne, one of the last couple hundred still in existence.

"'Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated?' I have to say, you can be a bit of a drama queen at times, my dear admiral."

"Lord Admiral," the hexalan corrected, "And you'd be surprised what effect a little scare can have."

"Couldn't we for once try compassion instead? If two nations treat their citizens the same way, but one took the power with hate and force, and one with compassion, which one would be viewed as oppressive, do you think? A few hours in and you have already lost us a potential ally, the AUF."

"Well, we can't back out now, Setinara. It's too late to change anything. We will succeed, and once it's all over, heck, we could technically just scrap the entire military, if you so wish."

"You're probably right," the Empress said with a sigh, staring ahead at the screens. "But at what cost?"


-- Station 21 - The Truth, unmasked --

People of the galaxy, I don't know if you're still listening, but shit's going down. I'd say go find a place to hide, but it wouldn't help much. The Empire is back, stronger and meaner than ever. I know there are a lot of pro-anarchy gun nuts out there who have been waiting for this moment so they can strap black market autocannons to the custom built gun mounts on whatever heavy-duty civilian spacecraft they've got and just go out there guns blazing, but don't. Or actually, please do, society will be much better without you.

But the Empire are attacking their own fucking planets, that's how power-obsessed they are. So if you trust your government, stay inside. If you don't, well, try to make a run for it, get to WLM or some pirate hideout. Either join these invading forces or get off the map, because when this battle is over there will be only one power left to rule them all, and unless that power is the owls, there will be peace. But the road there.. It'll be bloody as fuck.

I'll try to report for as long as I can, but... it's just too dangerous to stay for too long.
So in case this is my last broadcast, this has been Martin Colby, and you've been listening to Station 21.

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by ACH0225 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:16 am

Strigiforme forces have been martialled to the borders, and large quantities of ships are being pulled from Triangulum. The Aiigaiion remains over Cuuyth, but has FTL spooled in preparation to fight. The Barrage Cannons have begun firing on the ships over Menya, using Splinter Improved Yttrium Charges(tachyon-subspace equivalents) and super shield kinetic impactors. The Ringworld is fully charged and prepared to fire.
fr0stbyte124 wrote:5 months from now, I will publish a paper on an efficient method for rendering millions of owls to a screen.
mfw brony images

Professor Fenway
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Professor Fenway » Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:38 am

Jahgrin typed in further commands as the reflective shields began taking damage--and held. They were designed for this sort of punishment, and they could still fire back. "Focus fire on a few ships at a time, do not falter! The shields will hold out for a few more hours, and we're out of here before that happens. Singularity beams to maximum, fire on my command." The clock ticked over. "Mark!"

Hundreds of beams shot out at the attacking fleets, taking out several ships with the salvo. But there were many more. "Get me communication with the Hierarch!" He yelled at the AI.

"Connecting now." The viewscreen in front of him shifted and changed to show a very familiar face. Janx Lepore.

"Jahgrin!" He exclaimed. "I haven't heard from you in-" Jahgrin cut him off.

"We're at a state of galactic war, and we need reinforcements immediately."

"What? Nobody has the power to oppose you-"

"Hexaguthians have decided to claim the galaxy." Janx sighed.

"It is not our concern."

"They are using Ark technology."

"But that is our concern." Janx paced around. "We're currently cleansing several nearby galaxies, so we can't spare much. One battle fleet. That's it." The channel cut off.

[Meta]Subject Zero (Who reached enerjak point) has detected the massive subspace fluctuations and the message and has demanded to be let free to destroy the attacking ships. AUF command is seriously considering his offer.

The psionically-charged Singularity Cannon has fired a singularity at Primaris itself. The round is designed to pierce all non-psionic defensive mechanisms, but its effectiveness is not known.[/Meta]

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Vinyl » Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:45 am

The wormhole cannon fired. As it hit the ship, an unfortunate satellite drifting through the battle simply evaporated from the blast.

The border groups have themselves split up and are actively assaulting planets, ships, and anything else.
cats wrote:I literally cannot be wrong about this fictional universe

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Error » Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:48 am

Three Novan battlegroups [meta plus ten Prowlers [/meta] have arrived over Menya; forming up with the NeoRoman forces, they have entered the fray. The Sword of Damocles has been brought to Sigma Antares and is preparing to unleash hell upon the Empire's super-ship.

Two of the Prowlers are on attack duty; fitted with T/S warheads, they have adopted a hit-and-fade strategy against the larger capital ships of the enemy fleet.

Four squadrons of Vindicator heavy bombers have been deployed for testing and combat; each carries a set "Thermosubspace" (re: Subspace implosive) warheads.

OOC: You dun fucked up now.

Fleet Admiral
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Vinyl » Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:52 am

The two superships altered course to Kenya, arriving behind the enemy forces. Both immediately fired their cannons, straight into the Novan fleets.
cats wrote:I literally cannot be wrong about this fictional universe

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Error » Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:55 am

OOC: Cyclonic Quantum Barriers.

BIC: As the attacks either bounces off or is absorbed by the Novan shields, one of the battlegroups turns and focuses all of its firepower on one of the superships; Three Prowlers hammer the other with their missile racks, bathing both ships in the lovely warm glow of combined nuclear, kinetic, and subspace explosions.

Fleet Admiral
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Vinyl » Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:13 am

The kinetics and nukes merely glanced off the shields, the subspace weapons doing damage but nothing substantial.

OOC: Wormhole cannon works by opening an unstable wormhole as close to the target as possible then using its natural power to drag in anything else. The effective radius of a blast is anywhere from 100 meters to planetary scale. So unless you've got yourself some fast helmsmen, bye bye to at least some of them.

The final arrivals of the invasion arrived, 6 fleets and a administration (mk3.5). It has created a shield around primaris.
cats wrote:I literally cannot be wrong about this fictional universe

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Error » Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:57 am

OOC: Fast helmsmen? Check. Fast ships? Check. Tac-Jump skills? Check.

Crash Override
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Crash Override » Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:52 am


Im back.

I was hoping that this RP died at some point and i could rest in peace.

But noo,so here i am again.

Can someone tell me what happened?
" We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge, and you call us criminals.We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religous bias... and you call us criminals.You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the
criminals.Yes, I am a crimial. My crime is that of curiosity."


Archduke Daynel, PhD
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Archduke Daynel, PhD » Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:56 am

Half the galaxy is UGC and the other half is SDI
And suddenly Hexaguth invaded as a Halloween special.

Professor Fenway
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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Professor Fenway » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:30 am

Just over Primaris, a subspace vortex opened and disgorged an immensely bright, pitch black ball of fury. The singularity itself was shrouded, and multiple golden concentric rings danced around it in a fury. A shield lay directly in its path; it smashed through it, shattering the field and raining crystallized energy shards down behind it. It streaked towards the planet and slammed into the metal surface, pulling the metal behind it into the planet.

[Meta]The NGC 1300 jump gate has reconnected. A very large NeoRoman battle fleet has begun jumping through, and is forming a considerable perimeter around Vortex Station.

In NGC 1300, a large structure is nearing completion. Resembling a warp gate nestled inside a planet sized one, it functioned exactly as such. The gate began the charging sequence, forming a stable connection millions of light years away. A huge NR fleet gathered beside it.[/Meta]
OOC: Cue NR invasion of WLM. Before you call bullshit...
1.) NR fights ARKs primarily. Hexaguthian Empire using Ark technology? Check (Mini ark, for example).
2.) ARK's try to conquer/destroy everything. Is Hexaguthian Empire doing that? Check
3.) NR has technology to get there.

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Error » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:36 am

From: primeminister@novcom.ncg.an
To: ceo@hexemp.ghe.wlm
Subject: You done fucked up now.

Message: You went full derp. Never go full derp.

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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Post by Luna » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:58 am

OOC: God * I don’t like Halloween any more. Welcome to the purge I guess. Oh and quick question Vinyl. Are your shields bubble shields are do they hug the ship?
"The Sky is the Limit"
Commander Error wrote:"Titan" - Moves slightly quicker than a glacier, on a good day.
Prototype wrote:F-14s are just gay Tornados.
Catsonmeth wrote:Which meant every two weeks, Tuesday night was reserved for mainlining coffee and getting sensual with a keyboard

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