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Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:55 pm
by Error
ACH. Most medically advanced faction in the RP. Your virus, honestly, does squat versus the NC.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:02 pm
by Shadowcatbot
ACH0225 wrote:You guys do know that these disease are like AIDS and infect everybody and don't go away? Pretty much all of your populations are infected. Additionally, it's intentionally designed to go around your average anti-viral safeguards.
AIDS died in like 2100 when everyone with a brain figured out genetic engineering enough to invent anti-virus viruses.
Biological weapons are only useful here if you can subjugate the entire population at once, Otherwise its more then likely going to get quarantined near immediately and stamped out.

Also are these parasites or viruses? Because a normal virus is a nonliving thing that is pretty easy to detect with future tech, Not these "super organisms" you keep portraying them as.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:13 pm
by ACH0225
Cuuyth Command to Stauros. Message for Compliance Officer. Message is as follows

Eye of the Unyielding Storm

End Message

On the Stauros, a figure who had been silent all the time prior stepped into the light. He was a charcoal-black owl, with a simple coding on his wingtips; Grey, Yellow, Red, Government Compliance. The internal officers who vigorously and religiously suppressed dissidence and rebellion.

He pulled a small, sealed book from the inside of his satchel. Opening it and releasing the seal, he flipped to the pages labeled with the message Cuuyth Command had sent him. All the while, the rest of the command staff stared at him. He had never said a word to any of them, or even anyone else on the ship, merely watching and observing.

He moved towards the commander, and spoke.

"Admiral, it would appear that Cuuyth Command has issued an order to begin Special Tactics Maneuver 857, as detailed in the Special Tactics Guide." He then gave the admiral the booklet to read, watching him carefully.

The admiral's face grew more worried as he read. When he finished, he set aside the booklet and stared at the object through the view screen. His voice crackling, he then spoke.

"It would appear, my fellows, that we are to perform a final act for our government. Engineering, make ready to initiate an overload of the Stauros core. Helm, lay in a course for the object. Comms, tell the rest of the fleet to retreat a good distance. Shielding, I want full protection the whole time; recruit a few Shield Ships if you deem it necessary. Instruct all defensive emplacements to be ready. May our souls rest peacefully."

The Stauros began moving forwards, protected under their crimson shield. The core of the Stauros, a device of great power which used a small breach in dimensions to pull out energy from some other plane, was powered by a Yttrium exchange. Yttrium was used to create a breach in dimensions, and the size of the breach was directly related to the quantity of Yttrium used. This being true, the stability was inversely related; the more used, the less stable, and decreasing stability risked the sudden movement of all the atoms of the device to thousands of other planes. Purposefully destabilizing the core would, however briefly, create a vast gap in the dimensional fabric, capable of destroying an entire system, or in this case, a massive installation.

The Stauros neared the ARK now, with the core prepared to be dumped full of Yttrium. Once the reaction starts, it cannot be stopped. The Stauros now was very close, and the core was ready. They dropped part of the shield to check if the target was still there, only to receive a few missiles to be shot down by CIWS; it was still there.

They overloaded the core.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:18 pm
by ACH0225
Shadowcat wrote:
ACH0225 wrote:You guys do know that these disease are like AIDS and infect everybody and don't go away? Pretty much all of your populations are infected. Additionally, it's intentionally designed to go around your average anti-viral safeguards.
AIDS died in like 2100 when everyone with a brain figured out genetic engineering enough to invent anti-virus viruses.
Biological weapons are only useful here if you can subjugate the entire population at once, Otherwise its more then likely going to get quarantined near immediately and stamped out.

Also are these parasites or viruses? Because a normal virus is a nonliving thing that is pretty easy to detect with future tech, Not these "super organisms" you keep portraying them as.
Virus. They would be easy to detect if they were not
A: Made by a major government with an express goal of being not easy to detect
B: Had symptoms

The virus infects every cell in the body and integrates itself with the genetic code of the mitochondria or other organelles(species dependent). This prevents an easy explanation of "muh genetic testing". Should the virus find the code for psionics, it vigorously excises it and often takes its place in the host DNA, appearing to be a mutation. The virus infects bacterium(now) to spread, using them as reproductive hosts, alongside spreading whenever another virus infects a cell this virus infects, which causes this virus to reproduce instead.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:25 pm
by Error
Novan nanotech and medical equipment still detects and eliminates it; medicine be my speciality. Even a stealthy virus would find it hard to get past the army of nanites in the average Commonwealth citizen's system.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:34 pm
by ACH0225
I fully accept that penetrating the medical specialty nation would be difficult; you were never the target. The actual targets were hit, and quite successfully; AUF, Zuguth, and Hexalani. As their medical practices are less rigorous, the airborne, waterborne, bloodborne, ect virus with no symptoms and stealthy stealthy could permeate them with relative ease. I would imagine most of their population is now infected, making quarantine a near impossibruity.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:35 pm
by Vinyl
Wait, why am I a target?

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:40 pm
by ACH0225
Because Strigo-Hexalani war.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:44 pm
by Luna
All immigration/emigration and travel is now forbidden in Laruth. DNA replication and storage has begun as well as all coded information being sent to the MR. Reception of shipments is to be done by drone as well as sterilization.

[Broadcast]> Laruth.
With recent uprising of a certain virus that inhibits psionic capabilities, we have now come to understand the nature of the Strigiforme. Such actions many would consider criminal are understood by Laruth. This virus is an assumed bioweapon let loose by the Strigiforme. The main reason being its astoundingly coincidental appearance. Let it be noted that be noted that we have little concept of honor and playing fair when it comes to war.
[Broadcast end]

[meta]Severe increase in production of gun and missile ships, most outfitted with tubes for "Warp Missiles".[/meta]

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:55 pm
by Crash Override
Colonial War theme

The Colonial War,as is being registered in the galactic history,is won.

The invaders were fought back,but with big cost. Now,the resources that were stockpiled in the beggining of the war are being sent to a massive relief effort. The fleets that are still alive are coming back to repair and refill the lost units. The Exploration Battlegroup and the Migrant Fleet are being sent to Draco to estabilish refugee centers and take care of colonies that are still alive / bunkered

Food is not a problem,the liveships can produce a big quantity of plant-based protein paste,and that can feed at least 85% of the refugees. Live-space is not a problem,either,as most of the civilians are being attended by decomissioned Ironshield frigates,striped of all weapons and military tech to be used as transports. While military life is not confortable,they at least have where to sleep and receive food.

A small portion of ships,undentified,uncloak and as fast as they came,they unleash a hell of red beam weapons and torpedoes,destroying a small pack of ARK ships.Suddenly,they depart.
Galactic Broadcast//

We fought hard,we fought against impossible odds,and we won! Personally,as the CEO of the Corporation and in the name of all the brave soldiers who gave their lives to protect our existence,i thank you. You all will be remembered by your courage,and by the your strong resolve in protecting your crest,the crest of the star .Your comrades will honor your names.

But the menace is not over. They are still there. They plunged our galaxy in chaos,and now we have to put then down and restore the peace!

Message to the Orion Imperium and the Tajer//[Encrypted]
We fought hard for the territory,and now we have to rebuild. I have resources,but i don´t have enough manpower,at least,not civilian. Tajer command,can you build a special kind of "ELITE" to be used as Workforce?
A small group of Tivra diplomatic ships is being sent to Laruth territory.
Message being carried//

We wish to stabilish a small embassy to mantain good relations. ALso,welcome to the U.G.C . As our associates,we will grow together.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:30 pm
by Shadowcatbot
Meh fenway can determine the limits of FC viruses, Meanwhile in reality.

UGC response to ARKs retreating:
Scouts are being sent out actively in packs to hunt down any ARKs, The remaining severely battered Tajerian war-fleet is retreating back, Half of the units are returning to the Milky-way side to reinforce the skeleton patrol fleets.
[Message to UGC (minus hexashit cause not kool, and technically Catvin but MR so bleh polotics)]
Conveniently such research was in the makings and just finished

MR, As a gift for your immense military support the TTSR grants you full access rights to the Draco cluster. Enjoy.
[Message end]
All available cloning centers have paused civilian work and are producing required resources for the newly named DRONES unit.
Large salvage convoys are being sent to Draco to clean up debris and search for useful pieces amongst the wreckage and protect planets from debris bombardment.
Along with that a number of refuge convoys are returning to Draco worlds to clean up damage and rebuild.
Research breakthroughs have lead to methods of "custom building" atoms from subatomic particles, Research will be continued on methods of decreasing the inefficiency of the process.
A new fleet plan of 8,000 ships has been created, It will utilize the latest research advancements, UGC shared military tech and information gained from the Colonial War engineers. The first batch has started production.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:34 pm
by Vinyl
Shadowcat wrote:[Message to UGC (minus hexashit cause not kool, and technically Catvin but MR so bleh polotics)]

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:36 pm
by Professor Fenway
AUF has been making leaps and bounds medically, and is practically entirely immune to viruses and bacterial infections. It is literally impossible to get past the AUF's nanobots without being detected, and they slaughter anything detected that isn't otherwise exempt. Psionic program is already entirely immune to the viruses; entire population is following.

Face it ACH, viral bio-weapons aren't super effective in the future. But you can still use them; go ahead.

Chaos noted the massive energy distortion as Stauros Core approached. He entered realspace, momentarily leaving Omega alone, and took control of D-ARK once again. With a shudder, the massive installation opened, revealing the massive interior and nebula inside, and Chaos' form. He knew he had to act quickly. Three of his tentacles reached out, enveloping the core and surrounding fleet. The shields flickered and momentarily faltered, and Chaos drew the core inside the nebula, inside Chaos Space.

((OOC: BTW, the core isn't nullified; merely in dark space. And with Proto's thing, it will be back. But it can't do anything in Chaos space; merely stasis. For now.))


Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:35 pm
by Crash Override
Vinyl wrote:
ACH0225 wrote:Officially, Hexalan started the war and is completely at fault. They even admitted it in that one sided peace agreement.
Officially, as in, according to the Strigiforme.
Do not vote Soviet Owl. Vote Socialist Human.
You know, it's kind of your fault I had less military to work with when the ARK threat arose, considering that every naval engagement ended with a Strigi victory, and that I was only holding my planets because of ground support. I had to agree to your bullshit so you'd back out so I wouldn't die.

Re: Where we Left Off [RP TITAN]

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:45 pm
by Vinyl