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Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:57 am
by Vinyl
Hexalan Corporation
While Hexalan likes to portray him as the one to be wary of, he's actually the lesser of the two evils, just trying to support his demanding daughter who's always asking for more money and materials.

Way back when when the company was at its peak, Hexalan was the ones you went to for reliable and advanced weapons and gear, but as the galaxy moves on to the likes of energy weapons and shields, leaving ballistics and armor behind, and not to mention the impact caused by the terrible name Hexalan's been giving him.

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:28 am
by Archduke Daynel, PhD
Pre-reboot TechTron Industries:
If you wanted anything from headphones to toasters to GMO crops to plasma guns and warp engines, this was the guy you asked. The number one salesman of almost anything, with stores everywhere, both on planets and in space. Even after the fall of his dictatorship, the result of his own ignorance of nature's laws, he stayed alive, but severely weakened. But the man behind half of the galaxy's technological advancement (NeoRome being the majority of the other half) kept going as an associate of the new Zuguthian Empire, and even after the death of this peace-loving empire, TechTron stayed alive, now independent.
Empress A. Setinara:
For over a decade, Setinara was the empress of Zuguth. She was popular with the people, which was one of the reasons as to why she stayed a empress for so long. To the public, she was kind and diplomatic, with high morals and standards, but beneath she was just as immoral as the leaders of old, and wished more than anything to lead the Zuguthian Empire into a new age of glory, like in the days of the Technotronic Dictatorship, the time before the Great Collapse. She allied several powerful nations along the way, but the last alliance would prove fatal. She was killed by the Hexalan Lord of Admirals (IIRC) on the very same evening she had planned on assassinating her for what Hexalan had done with her beloved empire.

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:05 am
by Iv121
Alright so with enough factions around I think its time to give everyone a good punch in the balls hug and adress their faction !

Novan Commonwealth: Oh yey a psychopath in disguise ! [we'll get to this in a second]

Hexalan: Oh yey another psychopath in disguise ! I wonder if hes Novan's brother ! [Oh we'll get to that in a sec as well ! But first ...]

Owl: Must be an otaku, freaking basement !

NeoRome: Back to the psychopaths, this time around thats the big brother who's gotta be a good role model and shit so instead of just going crazy over everything he already chose his focus in life would be collecting trashed computers ... in the most terrifying way possible. TBH in order to collect your computer he can prob blow up your entire house just so that you trash it, a truley unpredictable psycho !!! Take your notes Novans ...

Technotronic Empire: Secretly has a crash on NeoRome.

Zuguthian Empire: A ... prostitude ... on a galactic scale, used here and there when needed, it doesn't even pay well.

UTA: oh well I'll let you decide.

NSCD: Shares a basement with the owl.

Eggman Empire: Wanna-be psychopath, too compasionate for the job.

Equestrian Intelligence Network: Tries to sneak into the owl's basement, meets there NSCD instead. To this day stuck in a loop between the owl's house and the basement.

Moboquestrian Republic: Follows EIN around, probably in a loop as well.

Mobian Intelligence Network: EIN got tired of going in loops.

Mobian Republic: Moboquestrian got tired of following EIN.

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:49 am
by Ivan2006
Iv did a surprisingly well job of concluding my factions in the old universe.
With one exception:
MIN is "The owl found the EIN going in loops around his basement and kicked both him and the MIN out"

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:06 am
by Error
@Iv More or less. Novus is a high-functioning sociopath - she can mimic just about any behavior flawlessly, but deep down, has a remarkably amoral conscience. what does this say about the various members...?

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:12 am
by Iv121
Im just sayin the amount of psychopaths here is overwhelming...

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:16 am
by Error

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:54 am
by ACH0225
Strigiforme isn't a psychopath; he's just old and grouchy.

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:58 am
by Iv121
Owl is Otaku I thought we already established it ... His basement is filled from top to bottom with Angel beats posters and nude Tenshi statues !

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:59 am
by ACH0225
Nude tenshi statues are absolut heresy. She is to be worshipped as perfection, and depicting her nude would be heresy.

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:05 pm
by Iv121
Either way why won't you give your own fac opinions ? Its not fair Im the only one doing the laughs here, DO SOME WORK GOD * !

BTW after a quick refreshment course on angel beats (Jap names don't stick -.-) how about Yurippe then ?

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:29 pm
by Professor Fenway
NeoRohm is less psychopathic and more... obsessivist.

Re: Personify Your Empire

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:16 pm
by cats
I'm fine with my cardboard boxes and yelling at squirrels.